The semifinals

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Alex's POV
I sighed as Taina kept singing "I'm gonna knock you out, I'm gonna knock you out" as I snapped "Taina, stop singing that fucking song" she feigned innocence "why? It's just a song" I growled out "you've been singing it all fucking morning" she chuckled "are you getting annoyed?" I rolled my eyes "thinking about suicide actually" she gasped "why would you even say that?" I glanced at her as we walked into the Armory "because death is a preferable alternative to listening to you singing that fucking song" she chuckled "fine fine I'll stop singing it" I released a breath "thank you" before she looked at me with determination in her eyes "but I am going to knock you out in our match" I chuckled "I'm gonna make you meet Hypnos" she looked confused causing me to chuckle as I entered my room and got my Ak-74 since the team decided I was to be pointman fun fuckin times. I decided to change my trigger system for a featherweight trigger instead, "I've got about an hour before the match so that gives me the 20 minutes it'll take to change it and get my gear, yeah I've got time" I walked around my cage and gather the tools I'd need before I walked over to John "hey buddy, long time no see" he smiled "Spartan, good to see you" I nodded "I need a featherweight trigger for my Saiga" he chuckled as he disappeared into the shop before returning a minute later "you're lucky I expect this level of bullshit from you" I put my hands up in a surrender motion "Hey man, someone on this team has to have a shotgun that can kill Godzilla in 3 seconds and I am that someone" we shared a laugh as he handed me the trigger and I went back to my room and started disassembling my Ak taking out the trigger mechanism and putting in the new featherweight tuning it so it works as intended before placing it into the receiver and reassembling the Ak grabbing 2 mags and walking to John again "Can I get a box of buckshot?" He nodded and disappeared coming back with my ammo as I looked at him, giddy like a school girl "wanna come see what she can do?" He nodded so fast I thought his head would come flying off before he yelled "Fuck yea!" As he vaulted the counter and we took off towards the range when I skidded to a halt "The ammo john, you forgot the ammo!" We turned ran back grabbed the ammo box and we took off towards the range again coming to a stop at the closest one as I scrambled to get my magazine filled. finally getting the 10 shells in, I slid it into the weapon, taking the safety off before pulling the slide back and chambering the first shell as I looked at John "if anyone asks this thing is unmodified" he nodded as I looked through the Holo sight and tightened my grip on the shotgun before I assumed my stance and mag dumped all 10 rounds in 2 seconds before yelling "YES! FUCK YES! I HOLD THE WEAPONS OF THE GODS! BOW BEFORE ME! HAHAHAHAHA" as John looked at me like a kicked puppy "can I shoot her?" I looked at him "yes my child, let the power of Olympus flow through you. Feel the power Achilles held" as I handed it to him and he grew a maniacal smile and started firing after replacing the magazine. When he finished the magazine, he fell and yelled "HOLY SHIT! I FEEL LIKE A GOD" as I nodded "ΜΕ ΤΟ ΠΑΙΧΝΙΔΙ ΕΙΜΑΙ Ο ΠΡΩΤΑΘΛΗΤΗΣ ΤΟΥ ΟΛΥΜΠΟΥΣ!(WITH THIS SHOTGUN I AM THE CHAMPION OF OLYMPUS!)" he stared at me "I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU JUST SAID!" I was about to reply when taina appeared next to me "What the fuck are you two screaming about?" I stared at her "it's mine, it's my baby. Don't fucking look at it, DON'T FUCKING LOOK AT IT!" She asked "what the fuck is wrong with you?" As I leaned back holding my Ak close "you want my gun don't you?" She tried speaking as I yelled "YOU WANT MY GUN, YOU WANT IT!" she spoke "what? No" I stared at her holding my Shotgun to my chest as she spoke "hey, hey calm down. I'm your friend" as I slowly calmed my breathing "yeah... you're.... you're my friend" she nodded "bring it back, bring it back" as I smiled "You're my friend!" She nodded with a smile as she asked "now what's all this screaming about?" I heard John behind me "Well Alex..." as I spun "HEY, no talkie talkie" he had a look of realization as taina asked "Well Alex what?" As we both started panicking and John spoke "he uh, his... um... his dick exploded" as I stared at him "Dude, the fuck?" As he shrugged "Dude I'm not a soldier and the evil eyes she's giving me are fucking terrifying!" As Taina spoke "just keep it down, I was 3 rooms down and I could hear you clearly. How fucking loud are you two?!" I chuckled "hey T, you love us. Besides how would your life be if we weren't idiots?" She sighed "normal? Productive? Anything other than self induced babysitting?" As I spoke "no, it'd be boring as shit. John and I's fuckery is hilarious" she sighed "Yeah I guess so, and Erebus stop screaming in Greek. We thought you were summoning monsters from Tartarus" I cocked an eyebrow "you've been reading up on the mythos haven't you?" She nodded clearly happy with it as I asked "Have you found where my name comes from?" She spoke "which one? Your true name or you American one?" I chuckled "both" she nodded "your true name come from the God of Darkness, a primordial I think?" I nodded "the first gods" she spoke again "for the American name, I've got no clue" I laughed slightly as John spoke "is it by chance Alexander the Great?" I nodded with a thumbs up "my true name is one of the first gods, the god of darkness, I guess mother always knew I'd be a dark emo CIA operative when I grew up" as we shared a laugh before the match in "34 minutes" they gave me a weird look as I clarified "the match it's in 34 minutes" taina nodded and went back to whatever she was doing an we watched her go when she disappeared I spun on John "my dick exploded? That's what you came up with?" He stuttered "I wasn't expecting her to appear and I hadn't thought of a cover story and she was glaring at me and that is fucking horrifying and I didn't see you offering a story" I sighed "atleast she didn't find out what we've done" he nodded as we turned to the target and noticed the top half of the plywood was gone "huh, I don't know what I expected" I grabbed my shotgun and the magazines before bidding John goodbye and jogging to my area before grabbing my M16 and USP and headed to where my team meets up before our matches. When I arrived I saw Maverick and thermite sitting but Buck and Twitch were missing "Hello boys" thermite waved as Maverick spoke "What's new?" I chuckled softly "okay, you're going to love this" they both focus in on me as I spoke "So my Ak-74 now has a featherweight trigger" thermite spoke "When you say featherweight do you me-" I cut him off "you breathe on this trigger and it will cycle" he looked unsure "care to prove it?" I took the empty mag out and pulled the slide back making sure it's empty before releasing it and blowing on the trigger causing it to fly to the back of the trigger guard as I put the safety back in place as they looked at me like I was crazy as maverick voiced his question "why? Why would you do that?" I stared at him "I only care about 2 things: monetary damages and loss of human life. I put Frag rounds in this and half a city will disappear" they chuckled as the last 3 team members walked it "Zofia? Still here?" She nodded "I leave after the tournament" I nodded "you'll be the one lifting that trophy when we win" she smiled as we got our gear ready and the team talked about how we'd attack the different objectives as well as what could go wrong.
Time skip to the final round of the Semifinal match
We were under the building waiting for the drone phase to end as my drone was hidden in room watching everything in B. I checked my shotgun as I mentally prepared to breach the building, 4-4 we have to take this round the announcer speaking marked the beginning of the round as I pushed out to breach the 1st floor as Pointman for my team. I waited by the door as Maverick droned it "immediate room is clear, kitchen looks clear" I nodded "You guys secure stairwell I'll clear Kitchen" they nodded as I breached into the room and headed towards the kitchen waiting to see if I heard anything while the rest of my team moved to secure the second floor to ensure there aren't any flanks. I sat still for 30 seconds before I figured the room was clear and entered with my shotgun up before it got kicked away by a very familiar face, "hello Cav" she nodded with determination on her face "I told you I'm gonna knock you out" I didn't say anything as I focused on the fight that was coming. She came forward throwing quick precise hits that I blocked or deflected before I redirected one of her punches causing her to spin as I got her in a head lock before she used the countertop as a springboard and threw me to the ground as she flipped over my shoulder. She got me in an arm bar but being larger and stronger I managed to break out of it and get on my feet again breathing heavily 10 meters away from her as she got ready to charge again "Alright, enough of this shit" she pushed forward quickly as I walked forward and threw a kick center mass of her chest throwing her to the ground as I went to pull my USP before she kicked my wrist and rotated causing my foot to slip and my balance to go as she yanked my leg dropping me to the ground as she pivoted and straddled me throwing punch after punch that I either maneuvered my head to dodge or blocked with my forearms. I growled as I grew tired of defending and bucked my hips throwing her balance off as I didn't take a moment to catch my breath instead opting to push my advantage and attack. She had just gotten to her feet when he heard my boot hit the floor and looked up just in time for my uppercut for impact and make her stumble. I threw a kick into her side spinning the opposite direction hitting the inside of her leg causing it to buckle before I spun one more time and threw an elbow towards her temple but she blocked it using her arm to take the hit. I growled as she threw a punch towards my throat causing me to lean back and drop to my back as her punch flew over my head, I managed to get my USP out of my holster and fired into her chest 5 times closing the battle as I heard the announcer again for the first time since the round started "2 minutes remaining, 2v4" I spoke into the mic "Who's up?" As twitch replied "I am, what happened? We've been trying to reach you for a minute" I sighed as I jogged towards the room "I was fighting Cav, I didn't realize I was that focused" she spoke "I'm about to try to break into B" I came around the corner finding Mozzie about to peek Twitch as I lifted my Ak as Mozzie started turning before firing 3 times in a second laying Mozzie to the ground in a white pile. I turned the corner as the announcer spoke "2v3" and linked up with twitch "you ready? It's going to be a hot breach" she took deep breaths before nodding as I fired into the barricade causing it to drop as we pushed in, I saw one of Miras black Mirrors as she popped around and fired her vector at me tagging me once before I threw a grenade at it sighing as my nade went too deep and I missed it. I pushed forward as I yelled "twitch! Suppress the mirror!" I heard a quick "Oui!(yes!)" as her F2 barked time life keeping Mira in place. I charged forward and fired into the wall next to the Mirror opening it enough for me to vault through it. I aimed to the right as I used the wall as a jumping point as Mira and I traded as we hit each other at Point blank with buckshot. I fell down as the buckshot knocked the air out of my lungs and I dropped a meter to the floor as Mira was thrown into the wall behind her as the announcer was heard "1v2, 30 seconds remaining" twitch crouched and started planting the defuser until the sound of an mp5 and m1014 were heard simultaneously as pulse hit her through the ceiling and Doc tagged her from the breach I made. I heard the announcer "friendly mission successful, opfor eliminated" as the commentators spoke "I can't believe it, such a dominant run from Spartans team is cut short by amazing team play. It will be a shame that the Hometown Hero won't be able to take the finals and win the first Tournament held in Greece" I stood and put my fist into the wall as I yelled "ΓΑΜΩ!(FUCK!), GOD FUCKING DAMNIT" I fell to the ground burying my face in my hands as I realized I'd failed my team. I stood slowly and grabbed my gear clearing them of any ammo before I walked out to where the rest of my team was before a new wave of Rage appeared causing me to grab my USP and throw it as far as I could as I yelled "Γαμώτο, ο Θεός γαμώτο. im μια τέτοια fuck επάνω(Fuck, God fucking damnit. I'm such a fuck up)" buck patted my shoulder "hey, it's okay. We almost made it" I glared "almost isn't good enough" he sighed "I know you feel that way but we all feel that way. We can't change it, we made one too many mistakes" I yelled "Exactly! I made too many mistakes! We would've won if I was better!" Thermite spoke "Stop blaming yourself, we're a team. We all made mistakes and we all failed because of it, you doing better wouldn't have done anything if we didn't fuck up our parts" I glared "don't fucking lie to me. I know I cause this, I know I failed and you won't change my mind." Before spinning and storming off in the general direction I had thrown my pistol. 4 minutes later when I found my pistol and I turned storming past my team as they watched helplessly and worriedly at me as I exited the stadium.

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