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Alex's POV(4 months later)
    I laid on top of the table looking through the scope of my M82a3 watching 2 Masks go door to door grabbing women and children and giving the men either masks and a jacket or an early grave. "I wonder what they're doing with them?" Rose was next to me sitting "I think intelligence said something about human trafficking and slavery" I kept my eyes on the masks, "why is it always slavery? Every fucking time" he chuckled "I wish I could tell you Spartan" I heard Rook over the radio "Spartan, clear to engage. Keep them stuck" I grew a smirk as I squeezed the trigger hearing the immense bang of the .50 caliber SASR(Special Application Sniper Round) flew towards the target 400 meters away. The round hit half a second later, I watched as the armor piercing round hit the engine of the lead truck as it came to a halt in a choke point where none of the following trucks can go around it. I shifted my aim hitting the trailing vehicle boxing them in as I spoke into the radio "Rook, seasons open. Good hunting" she chuckled as I watch the rebel force we've been training, Caveira, and Rook appeared from their places near the road hitting the Masks fast and hard. One of the lieutenants tried making a break for it before I fired ahead of him kicking dirt up in a geyser buying enough time for taina to come behind and tackle him before dragging him by knife point to the truck slamming him in as the rebels tore off towards our camp as I was about to sit up and grab my bag when an Ak round flew past and impacted the wall behind me causing me to grab my m82 and roll off the table "Σκατά! Τι σκατά!?(shit! What the fuck!?)" rose had fallen back because the chair tipped too far as the round caught both of us off guard. I grabbed my bag and slung my M82 across my back before I lifted my m27 and nodded to Rose.

he fixed his Signature Rose tinted glasses before lifting his m4 and leading us out into the stairwell that leads outside to our car

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he fixed his Signature Rose tinted glasses before lifting his m4 and leading us out into the stairwell that leads outside to our car. We secured the stairwell and proceeded down as Rose spoke into the radio "we've been compromised moving to exfil, May need to use an alternative rally point over?" I heard Rook "Rog' move for rally point Charlie" I sighed as more Ak Fire was heard and Rose ducked yelling "Rog, see you when we can, out!" I popped out of the door firing at the Masks and yelled "Rose! Get the car running!" He didn't reply, instead running past behind me patting my shoulder as he passed as I continued hitting the masks with precise and heavy gunfire. I saw an RPG coming towards me as my eyes widened and I threw myself into the nearest room off the hallway as it detonated. I coughed as dust filled my lungs before I shrugged off the shock of the explosion and moved back into the hallway and subsequently the doorway outside as I resumed engaging the Masks. I heard one mask yell "If you surrender, your death will be quick!" I chuckled to myself before yelling back "Mate! We fight to the death, and trust me you'll be in Tartarus by the end of the day!" As I fired another burst into an enemy that popped up from his cover as Rose yelled "Let's go!" I walked towards the truck firing to keep the masks heads down before I turned and got in as he tore away, I extended my hand out of the window and flipped the bird to the masks as we left. Rose looked at me for a second "did you have to yell back to him?" I nodded "stop being such a hardass" he rolled his eyes as I radioed "Rook, we're inbound" I heard a quick reply of "doors open, we'll be waiting. You've got work when you get back" I didn't reply as we tore through the savannah towards our camp in the mountains. When we arrive I saw our tents and the old decrepit building, I walked over to Taina and I's tent and placed my weapons in our lockbox before I walked to the building and saw the mask getting waterboarded "hey honey, I'm home" rook looked over her shoulder "Stop fucking around" I sighed "buzzkill, so what'd you get out of him?" She looked back at him "Nothin, he won't budge" I nodded "give me 5 minutes with him" she looked at me before she motioned Caveira and Rose out before she looked at me "keep him alive, we need him" I gave a thumbs up as she exited and I crouched infront of him "you look like the kind of guy that can take the pain, I've got something special for you. Let's see just how much you can take" I moved over to a drawer and got out some stuff.
   Warning: disturbing content ahead
I walked back over and pulled out my Kbar and started cutting his pants on his upper thigh before suddenly making the knife stand vertically and plunging it to the bone dragging it to above his knee cap as he grimaced and tried to get away. I chuckled "Oh buddy, you're not going anywhere." I grabbed some tongs and used them to keep the wound open as I used one of Docs stims to stop the bleeding and grabbed a vial of Hydrochloric Acid putting a couple drops in the wound watching it sit on his femur and start to burn it as he screamed in pain "If you cooperate the pain goes away, you don't and I make it worse" he growled out "fuck you" I looked at him "wrong answer" as I grabbed a drill and 2 large screws and started screwing them into his other leg as he yelled and shouted in pain. I grabbed my car battery and jumper cables tapping them together watching them spark before I clamped them onto the screw heads. He started shaking until the flesh around the screws started smoking as it burnt before he yelled "alright! Alright! I'll talk!" I unclamped the jumper cables and grabbed a base to neutralize the hydrochloric acid before I yanked the screws out as he yelled again before I wrapped the wounds in gauze and walked out to see Rook standing next to the door "he's all yours, call me if you need him cooperative again" she nodded with a smile.
Disturbing content over
I headed towards our makeshift mess hall a tarp tied to trees and a foldable table "Taina, did the rebels make it to their camp alright?" She nodded "everything went smoothly" I sighed "for everyone except us it seems" she looked at me "yeah we heard the gunfight as we left" I chuckled "almost died, fun times" her eyes widened as she leaned forward, urgency in her voice  "what happened?" I replied "RPG almost hit me, if I was a second slower" she stood up and walked around lifting my shirt and checking me for any damage "T, T! I'm fine, nothing hit me" she sighed "I was just making sure" I nodded before I stood and patted her shoulder as I walked past "you did good today" she smiled as I grabbed my binoculars before climbing up to an outcropping of rock that gives me a view of the city the Masks are using as a capital.

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