Chapter Eight - I hate to puke

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13 March - 2019 - 6.45 PM

Amalie's Point of View.

I just puked, like right now. I really hate it, the taste, the feeling. Everything about it, gives me chills. Daniel has looked after me, the most of the day. The girlfriends went home, both of them. I was actually exited to talk to Gabriela. I really wanted to know her. I have been sleeping, waking up, because I had to puke. Fell asleep again and so on.

I think it's over now. I just lay in my bed, and I started to see the movie The Meg. I hear someone go up the stairs, slowly. Corbyn comes into my room. "How are you?" He sits at the edge of my bed. I pause my movie, and I look at him. "I don't puke anymore, that's a good sign. I think it's going better." I try to smile, but it turns into a weird kind of looking face.

"How much sleep did you get today? You know it always helps." I nod, of course I have! "If you ever need anything, I am here for you, okay?" I can feel it, once again I run out to the bathroom. Corbyn is right behind me. He holds my hair away from my face.

Corbyn's Point of View.

I don't like to see Amalie like this. Daniel told me downstairs. "Often when she is having, you know, her period. She gets nausea, and sometimes she pukes. A lot." Depressing for her, that she got it right before the tour. I hope it stops before.

She's done puking. It took some time. She shortly brush her teeth. She goes back to the bed. "Get some sleep, okay? I know that I have told you it before, but it really helps." She nods, and she closes her eyes. I put the duvet over her. She looks so peacefully when she sleeps.

I go downstairs again. The boys are jamming. We do that almost all the time, that we are together. I love it. I love the music, that we make together. "Is she feeling better?" Jonah looks at me. The others want to know it too. "Nope, she just puked, again." I sit down next to Zach.

I take my phone up, from my pocket. I need to get rid of the rumors, with me and Amalie. It's bad for both of us. I find a picture of me and Christina, even though I more want to post a picture of me and Amalie.

I write in the text box:

Hey. There have been some rumors about me and Daniels sister, Amalie. All the pictures with us, are from when, we got pizza for us and the boys. There is nothing between me and her. I am with Christina, which I love so much.

I would never cheat on her. Don't hate on Amalie, she hasn't done anything to hurt anybody.

I hope you have a good day. Remember, we start our tour soon! ¨

That was okay. I hope that is works.

Christina's Point of view.

Corbyn just posted something. I wonder what. It is a picture of me and him. The text is about the, "misunderstanding" I think, that there is something between him and Amalie. Corbyn told me, that I was just jealous. I don't think so! Amalie must keep distance to him. If she doesn't, it would be worst for her.

I have gotten SO many questions about me and Corbyn. A lot of people think that we aren't together anymore, just because of that girl. Me and him are together, of course we are. He would never be allowed to break up with me. I will not let that happen.

If he just thinks about it, I will do it before him. 


Hey Hipsies

Something went wrong, i dont know how it happen, it just did. 

Here you have chapter eight. 

Happy and confused Wednesday!!

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