an old friend

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a bar in Mexico City 1945

the bar has never been busier, the bar was filled with soldiers and a few bystanders, there were sounds of bottles clacking men yelling and a few gunshots outside, the barkeep couldn't handle all of these noises so he quickly went on a break and told his son Joseph to watch over the bar.

all of a sudden a tall Mexican man entered the bar, he had turquoise eyes, black curly hair, a beard that connected from his sideburns and all the way to his chin, he wore an orange poncho with jean pants and boots. he quickly got the attention of half the people in the bar and sat in a table.

joseph approached the man with a shine in his eyes and asked him so politely "what can I get you, sir?" the man looked up from a book he had in his hands and said "get me a gin" "right away sir!" said Joseph as he ran back to the server's table and grabbed his older sister "Lupe, look" he said pointing to the man "what am I looking at?" she asked "are you kidding me! it's Juan Martinez! he's Mexico's best wizard" "he doesn't look like a wizard, more like a cowboy" joseph grabbed a bottle of gin and poured for him

as much as joseph admired Juan Martinez, he had to keep a low profile, all of those soldiers outnumber him and he looked very exhausted, so joseph leaned towards him nonchalantly and whispered into his ears "I don't mean to bother you Mr. Martinez but I am a big fan of what you have done" Juan chuckled a bit and signaled him to come closer " why are you whispering to me when you can just say it to me, Jose," he said into his ears "aren't you afraid of all those soldiers," joseph asked, " hahaha IF ANYTHING THEY SHOULD BE AFRAID OF ME!" Juan yelled as all the soldiers faced him and joseph became startled "go get your father boy" Juan told joseph he rushed to the back to get him.

Juan stood up and gulped down his drink he slowly walked up to the soldiers and yelled to them


the soldiers looked at one another and back to Juan, he stood there awaiting an answer.

one soldier walked up to him and said "look here you dirty rato! we have no idea what you are talking about so how about you-"

"I found you!" Juan exclaimed as he disappeared into thin air and appeared behind him and tackled him

the soldier quickly turned into Juan and punched him in the face, Juan bounced off of the soldier and took out a bottle from his poncho and threw it on the shapeshifter he soon melted into a pile of condense blue liquid.

Juan gathered the liquid and put it in the same bottle

"WHAT ARE YOU ALL LOOKING AT GET BACK TO PTSD!" Juan yelled at all the soldiers as they sat back down in their seat

joseph finally arrived with his father

"what is going on; Juan?!" said joseph's father


"yes I know who you are, come here puta!"

"oh I don't know there are a lot of people here, it's very uncomfortable to talk"

"oh no don't worry I've been meaning to do this"

Miguel took out his shotgun and fired 5 rounds into the ceiling making everyone run out of the pub

Juan sat down with Miguel as he poured him a cup of his favorite potion

"so what brings you to Mexico City, Juan?" Miguel asked

"I'm being hunted, Miguel, I need to get a few more witches to rally behind me for me to stay alive; and you are the master of potions I need you to officially rally behind me" Juan explained

"oh is that all alright ill do it" Miguel replied as he drank his potion

"wait-wait that's it, you're not going to argue with me about it"

"what would I argue about, you have a good reason"

"you aren't going to say something like'oh no what about my two motherless kids I don't want to have them become orphans'"

"Listen, I endanger my kids enough by keeping a shotgun around and having them work in a bar- hey! Lupe put the gun down it's not a toy!"

"well at least your motherless kids will be raised by a dog," Juan said as he stormed out


"also thank you for rallying behind me!!!"

Juan mounted his horse and rode to the end of Mexico, he finished getting one witch to get behind him and then he needed to get 11 more but it will be a challenge to get everyone's approval without nearly dying or even worse not getting anyone to help him

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