Cuban rumble

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the Cuban office for magic affairs in Havana 1945

while shaima went on some diplomatic visit to the natives

Juan went to find Mercedes, he was a top general in many wars fought in magic history and was a scoundrel based on Juan's description, but since he controlled the Caribbean magic forces Juan desperately needed his support, no matter how much he hated his guts

Juan also needed to keep a low profile, since Eduardo's men are everywhere and being one childish man baby, Juan disguised himself as one of them just to get some information

"Hello fellow lord Eduardo fans how are you?" Juan said trying to be childish and get caught "ah hello I don't think I saw you earlier?" one of them said, "w-well I'm new, my name is........Lucrezia!"

"that's a girl's name" one of them replied, "I'm sorry do you have a problem with my name!" Juan replied angrily "NONONO, I just-"

"hahaha, forget it, amigo, it's just a joke" Juan reassured him "say I am a little late on what we were supposed to do, what's going on?"

"well, we received news that Juan Martinez is in Cuba, so we planned a mission to catch him and make an alliance with Mercedes we've been told it would be easy since they both hated each other" the men told him

Juan kept the conversation going before leaving and spriting to the official palace of magic before Eduardo gets there and decided to camouflage once more (this is what the 20th time now?) as one of Mercedes' misteresses, he has way too many of them even franklin Delano Roosevelt got jealous and that man's dead


Juan got into Mercedes office and as soon as he entered (which he was still disguised as his mistress) Mercedes' kissed him on the mouth and Juan turned back into himself

"oh hello, Mercedes, hehe," Juan said nervously

Mercedes was surprised but not shocked or disgusted he seemed amused that I was there or something but he wasn't

"sorry for disguising myself as your mistress, I couldn't think of anything else"

"no, it's fine I have so many both male and female," he said arrogantly in a way that infuriated Juan but he kept it hidden to appease him "listen, Mercedes, Eduardo's men are gonna get me! I need your help, with your support they'll never be able to kill me what do you say?" Juan recapped "hmmm, what's in it for me?"

He scrambled his pocket for anything worth any value and I came across a powerful magic necklace and threw it at him "all your's if you join my side and denounce Eduardo" he offered him Mercedes eyes the necklace up and down and starts laughing, Juan awkwardly joins in "NOW EDUARDO" Mercedes yelled as Eduardo jumped down from the ceiling and shot Juan twice in the chest

"glad to see me, pendejo?" Eduardo said as he got closer to Juan while he collapsed on the floor Juan could see Eduardo's slicked-back grey hair, piercing purple eye, and a scar across his broken nose

while Juan did feel tremendous pain but it didn't harm him at all after all bullets didn't kill him, but Eduardo kept on firing them at him

"Juanito, just give up amigo, and I will personally stop ruining your life" Eduardo mocked him "never!" Juan yelled as Eduardo kept on shooting him "well, I guess you leave me no other choice, Mercedes tie him up, he's our prisoner"

Juan was forcefully tied up to a chair and had his bag taken away, while they weren't looking Juan spotted shaima in the drive-way and signaled her to help him, she noticed he was tied down to a chair and that Eduardo and Mercedes were awful hostage takers because they didn't close the windows anyways hse got in and she has a gun

"Mercedes, why are you doing this" Juan asked "two things, uno I hate you, dos have you seen this place! it's a dump CUBA IS A PLANTATION WITH CASINOS IN IT! Eduardo promised me 900 pesos and complete power of evocation magic in Latin America if he's the magic minister, unlike you who keeps me in this dump!" Mercedes fumed off in a pretty petty way "you live in a mansion! I live in a modest apartment and i am your boss! not to mention you have a thousand mistresses and 2 wives how is that even legal!!" Juan yelled to distracting them as shaima snuck in "yeah, you are a filthy peasant and peasants should never be part of the government!"

Eduardo loaded his gun with a gleaming blue bullet and pointed it at Juan "Eduardo stop shooting me it won't kill me you fatass!" Juan said having enough of being shot at "but Juan this bullet CAN kill you! it's made of thornstones, remember them? the one thing that could kill immortals?"

"How did you get that I outlawed it years ago"

"let's just say this isn't the first illegal thing I have ever done, now any last words"

there was dead silence in the office

until a gunshot was fired

killing Mercedez and distracting Eduardo

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