Chapter two

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Brian sat down at his desk. He looked at James. Just how smart was he? Did he figure out it was him? James was usually the first one in class, so if he wanted to leave a note he would have. Brian looked at the other students. They were all chatting g with friends, or reviewing for tests they would have in other classes before Mr. Smith came. James looked back at Brian, reached into his desk and took out a thin, paper back book. He walked over to him and placed the book on his desk. "I think you left this here yesterday." James said with a smile and walked back to his desk. Brian looked at the book. It was a book called "Those Without Empathy, the Inner Workings of the Mind of a Psychopath" by Dr.Ambrose. Brian smiled. Clever. Inside the book, about half way through it, was a book mark. Brian opened the book to that page, page 73, and took out the book mark. It was a my lil pony bookmark on the front. He turned it over and saw something written on the back of it. "Thou shall not give false testimony against thy neighbor." Brian's smile widened. So he had knowledge of religion? Interesting. At the bottom of the bookmark it said, "Go to pg 18." Brian casually flipped to page 18. In it was a blank book mark. Brian smiled. James might as well written the words "your turn" on the book mark.

James was carful to avoid looking at Brian, although he did see him smile as he read the bookmark. James was very carful, and wanted to see what kind of person he was dealing with. The last thing he wanted was to give his address or phone number to someone who knew who he was without knowing exactly who he was dealing with. The day dragged on. Social studies was the only class Brian and James shared, so he'd have to wait until tommorow for a response. He could hardly wait.

James walked into social studies the next day and was disappointed to find no letter. He sighed and reached into his desk to grab his social studies book, and felt a second book on top of the social studies book. He smiled and took the book out of his desk. It was "Those Without Empathy, the Inner Workings of the Mind of a Psychopath" by Dr.Ambrose. And in it was a book mark. He flipped the book open, took out the bookmark, and flipped it over. "One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: "Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent." At the bottom of the bookmark it said, "Meet me at locker 1923, after school, in two days"

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