My Boyfriend

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I have a boyfriend. His nam is Jake Kutcher. All the other popular people envy me, but I don't really see why. Jake is extremely dumb, and a jock. He is a bully to all the smart nerds and geeks, even though they did nothing to provoke him. The only good thing about him is his looks, and his charming personality. But, his "Charming Personality" is all an act. He is extremely egotistical and rude. The only reason I'm dating him is because I'm supposed to because of the stupid stereotypes.

As I walked through the halls on his arm, everyone fell silent and stepped out of our way. I heard snippets of hushed whispering. " OMG, Jake looks soooo hot today"

Personally, I wasn't even jealous because Jake is a jerk. I should make that into a slogan. "Jake the jerk"

It has a nice ring to it, don't you think?

Anyways, I only saw one person who didn't seem to notice our entrance. It was Justin Allivan. He is tall and a little muscular. He has big glasses that make him look adorable, and he is extremely shy and quiet. He is a nerd and in every single advanced class. I have a huge crush on him. The thing is, he doesn't fall all over himself to impress me. He treats me like a normal person. But, I have a feeling that I'm friend zoned. I don't even know why I have a crush on him. It's not like he would ever want to be the boyfriend of me, the stuck up, rich, high maintenance person. As Jake and I walked down the hall, Justin was in our way. His back was turned and he didn't even know that we were standing there.

"Move it, nerd." Said Jake, annoyed.

Immediately, Justin stepped away, and bumped into me, and my books fell out of my hands.

"I'm sorry, Tiffany! Let me help you pick up your books," said Justin.

As both of us bent down to pick up my books, my head bumped into his.

"I'm so sorry!" We both said at the same time. Then, we started laughing. I felt butterflies in my stomach. His laugh sounded so nice. I could listen to it all day.

That's when Jake said, "Are you hitting on my girl!?"

"O-of c-c-course not!" Justin stuttered.

And that's when Jake punched Justin in the face.
So, tell me what you think! Again, sorry for the short updates. This chapter is dedicated to Jimjamgirl for the feedback. She was my very first commenter ever. I absolutely love feedback. Pretty please comment? If you comment I might dedicate a chapter to you. But, the comment has to be tips or something that you did/didn't like.

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