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After an exhausting day of Mission UNpopular, I was ready to go home, wind down, and nap. However, Kari just had to climb the tree next to my window and sneak into my room. "Sales! Sales! Mall! Now!" She started screaming like a wild monkey.

Startled, I jumped and fell out of my bed."What the heck Kari! You scared the freakin' poo out of me!" I said, rubbing the bump that was forming on my head.

"Do I seriously need to repeat myself?! Sales! Sales! Mall! Now! get your lazy butt out of bed and get dressed, because we are leaving in exactly five minutes!" She yelled like a drill sergeant. "I can and I will drag your butt out the door and into your car!"

"Jeez," I reply, slowly getting out of bed. After five rushed, torturing minutes full of yelling(by Kari) telling me to hurry up, we were on our way to the mall.

"So, what's up with you and Jake?" Kari asks.

"What do you mean?

"Don't play dumb with me. You sat with me at lunch, stood up the cool kids, broadcasted you breaking up with Jake, and I know you have a thing for Justin."

So, I explained everything to Kari. Everything from Jake punching Justin to Mission UNpopular to the cool kids to the break up. That's another great thing about Kari. She's a great listener.

Once we got to the mall, Kari said, "Because we're at the mall, we might as well do mission unpopular here, too. Let's go shop for some clothes that won't draw attention to yourself. But, they can't be ugly because I have just added another objective to Mission UNpopular. By the end of this mission, you will be dating Justin."

"That's obviously not going to happen" I say. "He probably thinks I'm a bitch."

"Isn't that the point of mission Unpopular? To try not to be a bitch?" She replies.

"I guess you're right." I say.

After two hours of shopping, I have a comfy, pretty good looking oversized rusty red sweater. I also have some skinny jeans and a t-shirt. I have to say, I did pretty good. Kari, on the other hand spent 120$ and her arms were full.

"Today was a success!" Kari declares, her voice muffled by a bag.

I think today was a success too.
I will try to update by Dec. 26,2014. I might not make it though, because Christmas Eve and Christmas are very busy times and I don't want to spend Christmas writing.(no offense) I want to spend Christmas with my family. Thanks for 1.55k reads! Merry Christmas! And if you don't celebrate Christmas, then Happy holidays! Bye!

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