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A cop finally located Mrs. McDonald, five blocks from the apartments. She was agitated and confused when they brought her back. I finally managed to get ahold of Angela, going so far as to call the landlord and bribe her for her number.  No one wanted to release anything to me because I wasn't family, who gives a shit I was the one that noticed she was missing.

She showed up about an hour after we found her mom. I had stayed with Mrs. McDonald, running through the same motions I had all the other times. Asking her for a cup of tea so that whatever portion of her brain that still made her motherly instincts kick in would. It was fairly successful and it helped that Birdie was there. She was perfect, calming both me and Mrs. McDonald with a soft smile and patient demeanor.

But now that we're back in my apartment I feel drained. My eyes are heavy, shoulders sagging, my shoes feel like they're made of cement.

Dropping into the couch, it feels like I'll never be able to get up from it again. Birdie lets out a sigh, folding herself beside me, her head on my shoulder. I watch as her slender fingers graze my forearm leaving a trail of tingles in their wake until they slip between mine.

"That was quite the day." She murmurs. "I'm glad Mrs. McDonald was okay."

"Me too." I breathe.

I stop fighting myself and let my eyes close, my head tipping back against the couch.

"I know you're tired." Birdie says softly. "But can we talk?"

My eyes won't open, my head heavy but I mumble "sure".

All everyone wants to do is talk. I don't bother fighting it anymore.

She takes a deep breath and I can already tell this is going to take us into a conversation I don't want to have. But she snuggles closer to me and I squeeze my fingers around her hand.

"What is going on? With us?" She asks.

I swallow hard, the motion a little painful because my neck is bent at a weird angle but I don't move, I can't move.

"I'm sorry Hannah."

"You keep saying that Drew but I can't figure out what you're sorry for." She says.

Mostly I'm sorry that I can't just be okay.

When I don't respond Birdie shifts on the couch, her hand resting on the side of my face, tilting my head toward her. My eyes don't want to open but I force them too, staring into the most brilliant hazel eyes I've ever seen.

"Why did you kiss me Drew?" She bites her lower lip as she anticipates my answer.

It's adorable and if I'm being honest a little seductive, my thoughts trying to scatter to sex because sex is easier than talking. I force them to stay put though, Birdie will never be an escape goat for me.

So I let the embarrassed smile pull the corners of my mouth up as I tell her the truth. "I've had a crush on you since high school."

"What?" A smile spreads across her face, her cheeks flushing slightly as she laughs. "You did not."

I nod my head. "I did. I do."

"You're lying." She doesn't believe me, like every other time I've ever complimented her.

"I'm not."


The smile drops from my face as I take her in. She actually wants to know why and that blows my mind.

"You are the kindest, most genuine person I've ever met." But that doesn't even give her the justice she deserves, so I stop trying to explain how amazing she is. There aren't words to describe Birdie.

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