Season 1, Episode 9: The Ones in Masks

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Knock, knock.

Jade stands in front of a shut door, a door she doesn't recognize. It's wooden with metal slats keeping it attached to the wall. It's round and has a big gold doorknob, one that she can see her reflection in if she leans in close enough. She listens to the whirring of the wind on the other side, the rustling of trees and tiny trinkets hitting the wall. Jade stares at the doorknob, resisting the urge to reach out and grab it. She listens to the crackling of a tree trunk splintering in half and falling onto something metal and most likely expensive. Perhaps it's a car.

Knock, knock. The knock is louder this time, more impatient. Jade squints at the door, wishing she knew a spell to cast in order to see through it, to see who's on the other side. Jade licks her lips, reaching out to touch the knob. She knows she shouldn't open it, she knows that for a fact. Something bad is going to happen, her gut keeps reminding her that over and over again. It's louder than the fifth and sixth knock at the door. The knob is too pretty to not open, all pretty and innocent. The door is too intriguing to not rip open and find out what's on the other side. Maybe just a peep won't hurt.

Jade twists the doorknob open and it flings open, nearly colliding with her face. She expects a gust of wind to smack her face-on but it doesn't. She expects a person to be occupying the space but there's no one there. Instead, a sea of moving objects whirl around in front of her in a pit of nothing. It's like a black hole with no way out. Just a bunch of floating furniture and random possessions that have no meaning.

"Hello?" Jade steps out onto the stoop outside the door. There's no path around the little house she's stepping out of. The entire house itself is floating along with the other random furniture and much smaller houses than this one. "Is someone here?"

Jade startles when the front door slams shut behind her. She whips around, grasping the knob to get back inside but it doesn't budge. "What the hell is going on?" She pounds her fists against the door. "Let me in!" She kicks the bottom of the door. She doesn't care, she'll put a hole through this thing if she has to. There's no freaking way she's going to stay out here in this black hole. "I'm not playing games so whoever you are, I will pound your fucking face in when I see you, do you hear me?"

Jade focuses on the knob, forcing the lock inside of it to click open. She strangles the knob once more and uses her shoulder to get through the doorway. "What is your prob..." Jade trails off once she's back inside the strange and unfamiliar house. She looks around at the bare room made of wood, facing another door just like the one she just opened.

Knock, knock.

Jade cringes and stares hard and long at the door. The knock is slow, just like how it was the first time it happened on the first door. Jade isn't opening this one. She isn't. If it's anything like the hole of random belongings floating around behind the other one, Jade would rather stay in here, where it's safe.

Knock, knock.

The knocking is impatient and Jade has already glued her gaze onto the gold doorknob. It shimmers in the light where there is no source to supply it. Jade takes another step toward it without her consent, without even thinking. It's like the knob itself is forcing her to come closer, like it's gravity sucking her closer, sucking her into a vortex that is waiting on the other side. This time she will just peek. Curiosity is killing her and she knows it.

Jade grabs the knob and opens the door just a little, just enough for her to peek out. Her brow furrows when a blond girl stands in the doorway, her face facing the other direction. Jade opens the door a bit wider, confused on if she's staring at the back of her own head or if it's--

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