Apologies from the closed doors

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Izuku's pov: *We need to feed*
Xerxes states. I pretend i don't hear it and continue to stare out the window.
I couldn't bring myself to get a blood packet from the fridge since the incident at work. I was too tossled in the mind to care anymore.
Life was hell.
Work was hell.
My body was hell in itself.
And for the first in my life...i actually wanted to die.
I wanted to lay in my bed forever and just starve to death.
I lazily crawl out of bed and head to the kitchen. *Finally listening?*
I don't reply i grab a meat knife from the drawer and sit on the cold tile.
I blankly stare at the blade and run my thumb against the sharp ridges intentionally slicing it open.
*What are you doing?*
The blood dripped down to my wrist and then to floor.
"Can you believe...that this is the main source of my life now?" I asked Xerxes licking my wrist clean. I didn't taste like anything...not like Todoroki's,he tasted so sweet.I chuckle at the thought,i was so afraid of him that day that it sounds so funny now on how i reacted.
"He's right...i am nothing but a disgusting vile creature now not worth a damn"

I place the blade to my wrist and slowly it open,deep and dirty.
*You fool! i can't heal this wound since you haven't accepted me! do you want to die?!"
"Why do you care?"
I hiss coldy.
"I hate being this way"
"I hate you"
"I hate being alive"
I stand up and fist an amount of my shirt in my mouth revealing my scarred stomach.
I sigh and clench my teeth as i raise the blade above my head sweat pouring down my cheeks.

The ringing of my heart soared through my ears as it thumped against my rib cage.
I wasn't thinking straight at that very moment. But the sweet relief of...just the silence of ending my new life of misery.

A knock on the door...ears heard so faint yet clearer than my mind. I planned to ignore but then a voice came from the beyond the door.
If satan was toying with me...he was truly sick in his twisted ways.
It was Shoto...
I had to ignore it to escape from him.
"Please...i know your home...your motorbike is here"

"Go the hell away!" I stuttered angrily.
"Please hear me out,I want to apologize...i was drunk and taking my anger out on you, i didn't mean for it to go that far...i
Let my own emotions get the better of me" he said calmly.

"Cut the bullshit!"  I scream.
"I hate you!"
There was silence.
He continued.
"My actions were inexcusable Izuku"

Stop saying my name.

The blood continues to drip down my wrist and onto the floor as i walk up to the door.
"Do you have any idea what you put me through?" I squeak loudly becoming dizzy from the blood loss.
"Even for a vampire,you didn't deserve the treatment you got from me"

Stop finally caring

"And at the office...i put you in a very difficult situation...i forced you into biting me"
I walk to the door the knife still in my hand the rage in me boiling over.
"I never...wanted to do that...i never wanted to bite you!"

"I'm sorry"

I unlock the door and swing it open, my eyes lock with his and i raise my hand to slap him,the knife clattering against the concrete.
"How dare you come here?!" I scream the tears steaming down my cheeks.
*Show him no mercy let the rage consume you!*
I shove shoto with all my strength forgetting my growing vampire prowess doubles the power.

Shoto gathers himself and stares at me,his eyes trailing blood to my cut and bloodied wrist. "Did you...cut your wrist?"
I raise my hand to strike him again but he grabs my uncut wrist and i try to shake him off.
"Let me go!"
He shakes his head.
"You need to calm down!"
He grabs my injured wrist and i wince loudly. "I need to wrap this so please stop fighting me" he pleads. My head starts to swim and i feel my legs give out and i collasp into his chest.
I was so tired...so tired of trying get my old life back. "I don't wanna be a vampire" i cry.

Todoroki sighs,his arm slips around my back and he pulls back into my house apartment,i hear him gasp as sees the trail of blood across the floor.
He lays me on the couch and inspects my wound,his eyes meet my gaze.
I nod in defeat. He pulls a small medic kit from his belt and pulls out  pre- soaked rubbing swabs grabbing my wrist and my meeting my gaze,i nod for the ok.
He applies the swab and i groan loudly and writhe against the couch as my wound burns.
"It's ok" he whispers cleaning the wound as gently as possible.

It hurts so much that i feel like i'd pass out. As he wraps my wrist i notice how close his face is to mine and i can really get a closer look at his features.
He's easily toned and chisled in the jaw line and his scarred face doesn't make him look ugly,he actually a good looking guy under the right circumstances i suppose.

"Done" he says softly. I sit up and he sits down. The silence is the absolute killer in the room. "You have every right to be livid with me" Todoroki speaks. "I shouldn't have hit you" i reply. "I deserved it...i was an ass"
I nod. "A total ass" He chuckles.
"You were...cutting my wrist because of me right?" I don't reply to his question.

"Again I'm so-"
I hold up a hand to silence him.
"It's...fine....i mean your a  hunter,your job is to capture law abusing vamipres"

He turns his head away from me.
"I was out of line though" he murmurs.
"I treated you like dirt and now...here we are..."

Todoroki's face meets mine,he's close and his eyes are really apologetic.
"I still treated innocent vampires like trash,i felt the need to blame your kind for the wrongs in my family and why it's in such a fragile state"

"I wear this scar as a reminder...of who i was being forced to become and the effect of my father's choices had on my mother"
His mother did this?
I blankly raise a hand up touch the scar,he doesn't pull away or slap my hand away.

"At the blood ball...when you were zoned out because the illusionist...you kissed me"
I yanked my hand back in suprise and my eyes locked with his.
"Ever since that day...i tried to forget it, i tried to see you as a disgusting vile creature but my mind wouldn't let me..."

I wanted Xerxes to interfere...to take over so i couldn't show my blushing face.I WAS HOPING XERXES WOULD READ MY MIND.
Todoroki's hand gripped my shoulders softly and i felt my heart skip beats.
"And the kiss was addicting..." he whispers.
His lips press softly against mine they felt warm and the kiss was gentle.
I mindlessly wrap my arms around him and pull close.

I pull away to catch my breath,my cheeks feel hot. Embarrassed i look away and fidget with my fingers.
His hand finds it's way under my chin and reconnects our lips.

The anger and sadness leaves me and a new unrecognizable feeling boils up within me.
I felt safe and calm...calmer then i have ever been.

Todoroki pulls away and buries hid head on my shoulder,i rub his back gently.
"I'm sorry" he whispers.

A/N:not much to say but Smm is coming along and so is the fanart!
Ali-fizz in the shadows
Harmony y'all✌

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