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We finally made it to Walmart. I was dying in the inside; ten minutes of listening to rock music since my lovely brother Evan wouldn't pass me the AUX cord. My brother has such shit taste in music, it was annoying.

The Walmart was quite crowded for some reason but I could handle it, even though my claustrophobic ass couldn't. Evan wandered off to buy some stuff for himself while I went on to find a charger. I was in the electronics aisle when I had noticed that one charger costed ten dollars. I widened my eyes at the price.

"Holy shit." I mumbled to myself. I assume someone heard me because an a familiar voice spoke up from beside me; I turned my head seeing the guy that I had been speaking to for the past couple of days. Mattia.

"Too expensive?" He lowly questioned, grabbing the box of charger and inspecting it. I looked at him in confusion; how'd he know I was here? I playfully rolled my eyes and nodded my head.

"You know," I started, turning my head to fully look at him, god he was beautiful, snap out of it Eva! I shake the thought away from my head, "It's a crime to stalk people." I softly told him. Obviously I was kidding.

"It is," Mattia nodded his head in agreement, "So Eva," he paused, putting the box of charger back in it's place, "Why'd you stalk me then?" He question, a smirk on his face as he cocked an eyebrow.

He wasn't serious now, is he? I returned the box of charger and walked away, pretending that I was offended. I actually was but let's pretend I'm not, I felt a hand grab me by my arm and turn me around; making me bump into his chest, I looked up and slowly backed away from him, that smirk was still plastered on his face, "Will you stop following me?" I playfully rolled my eyes at him.

"Ouch," he put a hand over his heart, pretending to be hurt by my words, "I actually wasn't though. I came here to buy a phone for Kairi." He truthfully told me. Kairi? Right, the half Japanese kid that I founded cute, he had noticed the change of expressions on my face, "And his girlfriend." He added. I knew he was lying.

"Why can't he buy a phone for himself and his girlfriend?" I questioned, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. I was playing along. He was definitely jealous. He shouldn't be though, he's probably the most attractive male I've laid my eyes on.

"He uhm," he paused, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. He was trying to come up with an excuse but failed to do so, "Alright I'm lying," he confessed, I laughed lightly, "I'm really just here with the boys. Alejandro wanted to buy a bunch of new games for the PS4." Alejandro? Who was that now?

I nodded my head, "Interesting," I hummed, going back to finding an affordable charger, "Jesus why are these so expensive?" I asked myself but then remembering that Mattia stood beside me. I mentally face palmed myself; that was embarrassing.

"I'll pay," He insisted, grabbing the charger that I was observing from my hands. I was about to resist but he waved it off, "C'mon." He walked away, as he waited for me to follow him to the cashier.

"Mattia," I started, making him stop in his tracks, "It's fine, I'll just get my brother to pay." I told him. I shouldn't have brought the fact that my older brother was here because the expression on Mattia's face changed; it was like his mood had been brought down.

"Your brothers here?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows, his gaze was suddenly set behind me, as if someone was behind me, "Nevermind." He mumbled to himself.

"Eva," Evan spoke up from behind me. I cursed under my breath, now wasn't the time, "Whose this?" He nodded his head towards Mattia, his jaw was clenched as he glared at Mattia.

Great. Just great.

𝙒𝙍𝙊𝙉𝙂 𝙉𝙐𝙈𝘽𝙀𝙍 | 𝙈𝘼𝙏𝙏𝙄𝘼 𝙋𝙊𝙇𝙄𝘽𝙄𝙊Where stories live. Discover now