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I was fucked. Officially fucked and I really hope the ground somehow opens up and swallows me alive.
Evan had his gaze set right on Mattia, the two shared an intense stare as I stood in the middle, "He's no one." I replied, Mattia's face expression changed as if  what I had said hurt him.

"So a random stranger came up to talk to you?" Evan asked, cocking an eyebrow as he grabbed my arm in such force that I winced in pain. Mattia clenched his jaw and glared at Evan.

"I don't think it's right for you to grab a girl like that." His glare was set firm on Evan. Evan pushed me behind him and strolled towards Mattia. Oh no, this is going to end up in a fight. I can feel it already. I had to stop it.

"Evan can we please-" I was cut off when Evan shoved Mattia. I widened my eyes and gulped as Mattia did the same to Evan, causing him to stumble backwards. Nice to know that Mattia had more power than my own brother.

"Oh you mother fucker!" Evan yelled throwing a punch as it landed on Mattia's face. The two went on back and forth for the next ten seconds before I yelled for help as security came and parted them apart. I noticed a bruise forming up on Evan's eye and Mattia held his stomach.

"ENOUGH! BOTH OF YOU, OUTSIDE!" The security yelled as they grabbed both Evan and Mattia. Mattia glanced over his shoulder and I could see him send me an apologetic look. I sighed heavily and rubbed my face. Everything was going great till my stupid brother showed up! Now I can't even get a darn charger!

I quickly followed them outside and saw that a group of girls were staring, not at Evan though, at Mattia, with their phones out and as if they were recording. Was he some sort of famous celebrity that I didn't know of? Two of the girls were lowkey squealing and the other two were just recording, and oh god, I probably show in the background but I didn't care.

"Is he related to you, Ma'am?" The security asked me. I quickly nodded my head. The security nodded in response and shoved Evan towards me, "No more trouble young man, take this as a warning, the both of you." He pointed at both Evan and Mattia.

Evan rolled his eyes and sent one last glare to a fuming Mattia. His eyes landed on me and he sent me a soft smile, as Evan began walking away, and I was being pulled behind him as we walked towards the car.

"You've got some explaining to do." Evan raised his voice at me, as we were now in the car. He looked at himself at the rear view mirror as he inspected his now bruised eye,

Great, how am I going to explain how I met some guy to an over protective brother with a bruised eye, and somehow had gotten in a fight with him.

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