Chapter 19: By the Beach Buffet

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Y/n POV:
We pull into the parking lot and get out of the car carefully. Payton puts an arm around my shoulder and pulls me closer to him. We walk to the building and set seated. I'm so excited about eating here but I can't help but think about Jackson searching for me. I feel Payton squeeze my hand lightly. I look up and smile lightly at him and he smiles back but quickly frowns when speaking.

Payton: Hey we'll get you through this okay
Josh: We won't rest until we know you're safe
Y/n: Thank you so much guys and thanks for meeting us here Griffin
Griffin: No problem Y/n. As soon as I was told what was going on I knew right away that I needed to help
Josh: We're glad you did

I lay my head over on Zach's shoulder and he gives me a tight hug. I sit back up and we go to the buffet. After I get my food I realize I'm the first one back. I quickly look around to make sure no one is looking at me and then I realize we're the only ones there. I calm down a bit and close the blinds. Payton and Josh walk back and look at me to make sure I'm okay. I give them a small smile and they walk over. Paige walks back and looks at me and I notice we ended up with the same thing. Josh and Payton look at both of our plates and laugh.

Y/n: Hey now you better not underestimate the hand-breaded chicken and fresh cut fries.
Paige: Also the incredible blue raspberry slushy
Payton: Hey I'll admit that thing is delicious
Y/n: See you're starting to understand.
Paige: Are you going to go back up and get the lava cake?
Y/n: What kind of question is that Paige? Of course I am!
Ev: *laughs*

Jackson POV:
I can't believe that Y/n was able to notice that I had her location turned on. I had a feeling this would end up being more difficult than I thought. I walked back to my car and drove to some of the many spots she could be. The bridge, the sunflower field and even the bluff but she was no where to be found. I thought hard for a minute and remembered her favorite restaurant. I drove in the direction of the restaurant and planned how I would get to Y/n. I called Dylan to let him know that he might get an early visit from his sister. He'll hate me after this but who cares I've always hated him. Y/n on the other hand is amazing, she's sweet but she can also be a feisty one and I love that about her. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and I need her to be mine.

On the phone: Dylan:
What do you want Jackson?
Just wanted to let you know that you might get a surprise visit from your sister soon
What did you do?
She picked Payton over me and now I'll make her pay for it. If she doesn't pick me over Payton I'll chase her out of the country and she'll never want to come back
Jackson you better stay away from my sister

I hung up on him and pulled into the restaurant. I can see the beauty in the window. Sadly though it was ruined by that boyfriend of hers. I need to figure out a way to get Y/n away from them but since they're on high alert this will be more difficult than it should be.

Y/n POV:
I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and I pull it out. I see a message from Jackson.

Text: Jackson:
Come outside princess, if you tell anyone it won't end well
You know I'm not going to come outside
Want to play this the hard way? Outside now
Okay okay I'll be out in a minute

I look up and see that no one was watching me.

Y/n: Hey guys it's Ariana. I'm going to go call her back
Josh: I'm coming with you
Y/n: No Josh it's fine
Josh: But what if Jackso-
Y/n: I can handle him
Paige: You sure Y/n because last time-
Y/n: I'll be okay guys
Payton: Please stay safe Y/n. I love you
Y/n: I love you too Payt

I give him a quick kiss and walk outside. I look around and I don't see Jackson anywhere. I grab my phone and then I hear a small laugh. I look up and there he is.

Jackson: Well well well
Y/n: What do you want Jackson?
Jackson: Haven't we been over this princess? I want you remember?

He moved closer to me and pushed my hair behind my ear. I grab his wrist making him freeze.

Y/n: You're not getting me anytime soon. I'm with Payton so get over it
Jackson: You really want to act like that?
Y/n: You threatening me?
Jackson: Maybe
Y/n: Jackson I would recommend that you back off

I let go of his wrist and push his hand away.

Jackson: You see princess I don't want to back off.
Y/n: Well I recommend you do

I grab my phone without him noticing and I text Payton telling him I'm going to call him and to stay quiet. I call him and place my phone back in my pocket.

Jackson: You really think I'm going to let Payton keep you? You're gonna be mine princess.

Payton POV:
I feel my phone ring and I see where Y/n texted me. Then I see her call me. I put all of us on silent so Jackson can't hear us and I explain everything. I hate to hear this and Josh and Zach have looks on their faces that could kill.

Zach: That does it
Corbyn: Calm down Zach. She's handling this well okay
Zach: If she gets hurt-
Payton: Zach she'll be okay
Phone:Jackson: You really think I'm going to let Payton keep you? You're gonna be mine princess.
Josh: That does it. Let's go

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