Chapter Four

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Seeking clarity


After my session I decided to go to uncle Toms house to talk to Stacy. Hopefully she could help me figure out my next step because I sure as hell don't know what to do. Should I step left or right, should I go up or down.

I pulled into uncle Toms driveway and saw Stacy working on a mini version of her many gardens plots around the house. I swear this lady loves gardening, like she even has her own green house in the backyard and no one is allowed in there without her present and when I say no one I mean NO ONE. I got out my car and walked up to her "Hey aunty." "Hey baby." She said looking up at me. "Aunty can I talk to you for a minute it's about my dad." She looked at me and gave me a sympathetic smile. "Sure babes, here take these pots into the kitchen and I'll be right in." She hands me the pots and I make way into the house. Once I got inside I could see Stephan sprawled out all over the couch. He looks over at me and speaks. "Wassup jit what you doin over here?" I laughed at his comment. "I came over to talk to aunty, whats your reason for being here?" "I just came over to watch some college football with pops." I shook ok. "So how is everything?" He asks me with a concerend look. I knew were this conversation was going so I just told him good and walked into the kitchen before he could say anything else.
Don't get me wrong I love Stephan for being so concerned about me and my life but his will to know everything can be overbearing. I swear ever since I was charged, he's been treating me different, like I'm a suicidal mental patient. Stacy finally walked into the kitchen cutting me from my thoughts. She takes off all of her gardening equipment, turns around and pulls out a seat and gestures for me to sit down next to her, so I sit. She pulls out another seat and plops down right next to me and looks me in my eyes and says "Talk." I tell her about my session today with the therapist and how emotional it was for me. I also told her how the therapist suggested that I reach back and give my dad a chance.

"Nene I dont know much about your father and I don't know why he wasn't there but from what I do know about your mother, your father probably has a good reason for not being there. Not saying your mom was a bad person or anything but I think you should atleast give him a chance to explain hisself. The bible says that a child shall always obey thy mother and thy father no matter there wrongs. It dosent say it in those exact words but that basically sums it up. Now i'm not sayin you go and sit on this mans lap and give him a bunch of kisses and I love you's. All i'm saying is you talk to him." Stacy's right I mean what do I have to lose. I smiled at her and give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek "You know your awesome right?" She laughs and pushes me off her and grabs a sticky note from inside a draw and hands it to me. On it was a number. "Call him." She says with all seriousness. I take the sticky not, grab my phone out my purse and head out the backdoor onto the patio. I take a deep breath and dial his number the phone rang five times before there was an answer

"Hello?" A man's voice comes through

I take a deep breath

"Um.... hey th-this is Renèe." I said nervously.

"Renèe ... H-hey how are you? I thought you would never call."

"I know sorry for that, but I'm fine. What about you?"

"Im good.....I talked to your sister. She said you didn't want to talk to me."

I sighed "Yeah at first I didn't, but something changed my mind."

"Can we meet up!?... I mean like can I take you to dinner. Me and you and your sister or just me and you. What ever makes you comfortable."

"Um sure how about it just be me and you I really need to talk to you.....Alone."

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