Meeting Vulpix

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VULPIX: Hey guys, Vulpix here an I'm bout to tell you a story bout my life an why I got replaced. Anyways, the year was 1992 an I was so excited to be in a Pokémon game for the first time I knew everyone would love me an I was right.

Flashback Effect.

VULPIX: February 27th, 1996 was the release of the first Pokémon and everyone was totes excited, as the teenagers say these days, but I was frankly excited to see who would choose me an a ton a people chose me which made me happy now Imma stop ramblin on an let the story tell itself.

Text appears on the bottom of the screen an it reads "February 29th,1992" then we zoom in on a tree with an egg in it which is bout to hatch

VULPIX: See that egg that was me an as you can tell it's bout to hatch.

The egg wiggles an it slowly hatches. Once the egg hatches a head pokes ouda it an it's none other then Newborn Vulpix.


VULPIX: As you can tell I was an Orphan I had no family or parents so I had to fend for myself.

The bottom half of the egg tips over an Vulpix goes down with it.


Vulpix tumbles ouda the egg an lands on her stomach

NEWBORN VULPIX: Vul! Vul! Vul! Vul! Vul! Vul! Vul! Vul! Vul! Vul!

VULPIX: In case you were wonderin what I was sayin allow me to translate it for you. I said... "Help! Help! Help! The ground is devourin me help! Help!" But then I realized that the ground isn't alive so I was okay after that.


VULPIX: Translation. "Oh, I'm okay"

Newborn Vulpix's Stomach growls

NEWBORN VULPIX: Vul, Vul, Vulpix, Vulpix

She sets off to find food

VULPIX: I searched for hours an hours to find food but I had no such luck. I was afraid I wasn't gonna make it an it's mostly bad for a Newborn Vulpix to not eat cuz we get cranky an burn down an entire forest then die right after. I was super close to burnin stuff down but I was lucky enough to find food at the last minute.

NEWBORN VULPIX: Panting Vul-pix.

She spots a Redwood Tree full of Gold Berries.

NEWBORN VULPIX: Oooh, Vulvulvulvulvul!

She looks up at the tree an sees how tall it is.


She noticed that the Redwood Tree was next to a giant cliff.

NEWBORN VULPIX: I don't know if I have enough HP to wall-jump all the way to the top cuz this Redwood Tree looks to be 325 feet tall. I better find another tree that ain't as tall, one that I can climb. If I don't have any luck I'll come back here an get these berries.

She looks at her health which is down to 20.

NEWBORN VULPIX: Sighs sadly That is if I can find one on time.

She heads off to find another tree

VULPIX: I searched far an wide but I couldn't find another tree that had Golden Berries on it so I had to go back to that Redwood Tree.

NEWBORN VULPIX: Well this sucks, I couldn't find another tree with Golden Berries on it. I guess this one'll halfta do. I don't know if I can make it up this tree with only 10 HP left. I guess I'll just halfta risk it.

VULPIX: Now I'm pretty sure everyone is tired of the Walljumps but it really fun to do so let's continue on shall we.

NEWBORN VULPIX: Okay here I go.

Newborn Vulpix walljumps up usin the cliff an tree trunk as walls

NEWBORN VULPIX: Vul-pix, Vul-pix, Vul-Vul-pix, Vul-Vul-pix-pix.

VULPIX: It was a race against the clock my HP goin down slowly everytime I go higher up usin the walljump I thought I was screwed but I managed to pull through.

Newborn Vulpix looks at her HP an sees she has 1 HP left but she made it to the top in time

NEWBORN VULPIX: I made it yeeees!

She grabs a ton of Golden Berries an eats them all an her HP goes back up to 200

NEWBORN VULPIX: Aaah I feel so much better now to get down from here. Oh, I know how to get down from here. Iceslide.

Newborn Vulpix uses Ice Slide an a giant slide appears that leads all the way to the ground.


Ice Skates made of Ice appear on Vulpix's Paws

NEWBORN VULPIX: Okay I'm ready to go. Yee-haw!

Vulpix slides down the slide, makes it to the bottom in a very short time, backflips off the end of the slide an lands on her feet perfectly

NEWBORN VULPIX: An she sticks the landing. Now it's time for me to head back home.

She heads back to her tree

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