Joshlyn's Embarrassment

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We geda spiral in transition that transitions to Gracie combin Arianna's fur

ARIANNA: Mom are you sure you wanna reveal me to the world. If you do everyone gonna want me even though I'm the only one in the world.

GRACIE: I'm sure I just wanna make your Trainer feel bad that she replaced you. Maybe once she sees how beautiful you are she's gonna want you back.

ARIANNA: Yeah I guess so.

GRACIE: That's the spirit. Now come on the news people are waiting outside for us.


Both Arianna an Gracie go outside an the news people are waitin for them.

NEWS PERSON: Are you ready to get this show on the road. See what I did there.

GRACIE: Not the time Phil.

PHIL: Sorry.

ARIANNA: You know each other.

GRACIE: Of course we do cuz he's my trainer.


GRACIE: Yeah it is nice. Now let's not dilly-dally much longer. Let's get this show on the road.

ARIANNA: Nervously Okay.

Phil turns on the camera an speaks into his mike.

PHIL: Good afternoon trainers today we bring you a once in a life time discovery.

JOSHLYN: Once in a lifetime discovery. What is that?

She looks at her TV along with Zoroark an Fennekin

PHIL ON TV: Now without further ado we please lets turn our attention over to my Partner Gracie an her kid Arianna.

JOSHLYN: Arianna, wait what?

GRACIE ON TV: Wad up, wad up, wad up it's your girl Gracie here an I'm bout to show all of you an experience of a lifetime. Arianna please show yourself.

Arianna comes into view on The TV

ARIANNA ON TV: Nervously Hi.

JOSHLYN: What is Arianna doin on TV an why does she look so beautiful?

ZOROARK: Shush up I'm intrigued.

PHIL ON TV: As we trainers all know once a Vulpix comes into contact with a Fire Stone it evolves into a Ninetales but Arianna is a special type of Vulpix/Ninetales.

GRACIE ON TV: Once I seen lil Arianna evolved form after usin a Fire Stone that some hooligen trainer dropped outside of our tree I counted how many tails she had an let's just say we were both surprised from the output.

ARIANNA ON TV: Turns out I had 18 tails instead of Nine which is double of what an original Ninetales has so it makes me the first 18tales to exist in the whole Pokémon Universe bet you feel bad for lettin me go now Joshlyn.

PHIL ON TV: An there you have it we've just met our first 18tales to ever exist in this entire Pokémon universe.

GRACIE ON TV: An since shes the first 18tales to exist you trainers better not try an catch her, unless it's Joshlyn, or I'll hunt you down an kill you.

PHIL ON TV: Now lets go to the weather shall we.

Joshlyn turns off her TV

ZOROARK: Joshlyn are you okay?

JOSHLYN: Well Arianna was right bout one thing, I do feel bad that I let her go but to flat out embarrass me on National Television she's gone too far. I am never catchin her again!

She tosses Arianna's Poké Ball in the trash

JOSHLYN: Goodbye ungrateful Pokémon, I don't need you I got a good team right here an they're much better then you in every way!

She slams the trash can lid shut

ZOROARK: Joshlyn...

JOSHLYN: Not now! If you need me I'll be upstairs throwing out everything Arianna gave me.

Joshlyn storm on upstairs an slams her bedroom door shut.

FENNEKIN: I assume that's a bad thing right.

ZOROARK: Yeah. Let's leave her be for a few hours an maybe she'll cool off.

FENNEKIN: Good idea, What are we gonna do for the time bein?

ZOROARK: I don't know.

They look at the trash can

FENNEKIN: We're gonna try an get Arianna an Joshlyn back together ain't we?


FENNEKIN: But you heard the woman she doesn't wanna see Arianna ever again.

ZOROARK: But you're forgettin somethin.

FENNEKIN: What is it?

ZOROARK: I may be a Fox Pokémon but I'm also a Trickster Pokémon.

FENNEKIN: A Trickster Pokémon nice.


FENNEKIN: But if we trick our trainer an Arianna won't they both be mad at us then Joshlyn would release cuz we tricked her into gettin back together with Arianna.

ZOROARK: Well there's a 50/50 Percent chance of that happenin but we goda get em back together. Before you came out me an the people reading this fanfic witnessed how sad she was when she replaced Arianna with me. She wanted to give up on bein a Pokémon Trainer but I helped her feel better. She may be upset now but as the sayin goes "There's nothin that better then the bond between a pokémon an it's trainer." We goda get them back together. It may be risky but it's the only thing that we halfta do. So are you with me or not?


ZOROARK: Okay then let's do this.

FENNEKIN: Okay. Uh who's gonna get Arianna's Poké Ball ouda the trash.

Zoroark looks at Fennekin

FENNEKIN: Seriously? Always make the lil guys do the dirty work.

Fennekin dives into the trash can an gets Arianna's Ball then he jumps back out

FENNEKIN: Ugh Imma need a shower after we're done here.

He shakes trash ouda his fur

FENNEKIN: You're lucky we're family or you'd be dead right about now.

He takes a used Q-Tip ouda his left ear.


He tosses it aside

FENNEKIN: Come on let's go.

They walk ouda the house

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