October 12th, 2013

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NEWS PERSON ON TV: Spoopy month starts off with a bang because New Pokémon have been spotted in the region so get your Poké Balls ready cuz we got some more Pokémon to catch an train but that's not all folks there's also a new an improved Pokédex in stores now for only 400 Pokémon Dollars so be the first to get your new Pokédex now onto the weather.

ARIANNA: Seriously? Do they really think people we'll fall for this fake news?

GRACIE: I know it's all fake.

The ground starts to Rumble

GRACIE: What's that noise?

ARIANNA: I don't know. Should we go find out?


They peek outside of their tree an see a stampede of trainers headed there way

GRACIE: Oh no pull back quick!

They pull back into the tree an wait for the stampede of trainers to pass by

ARIANNA: I can't believe these hooligans are actually fallin for the news.


The stampede goes away

ARIANNA: Sounds like it's over.

GRACIE: For now.

Arianna peeks ouda the tree an spots a fire stone

ARIANNA: Oh looks like one of them dropped a fire stone. Well can't just leave it lyin out here. Better take it in.

Arianna picks it up in her mouth then her tail starts to glow then she drops it

ARIANNA: What's happenin?

She looks at her tail an sees it's glowin bright red.


Arianna screams in pain as she evolves

GRACIE: Arianna.

She runs outside an sees Arianna evolving

GRACIE: Holy mother of pearl.

Arianna finishes evolving an she's now a Ninetales then she looks at herself an freaks out.

ARIANNA: Aaaaah! What happened to me!?

GRACIE: Calm down Arianna you just evolved to a Ninetales like me.

ARIANNA: I evolved but how?

GRACIE: You must've came into contact with a Fire Stone. Vulpix's Evolve into Ninetales when they touch a Fire Stone.


GRACIE: How's it feel?

ARIANNA: It feels pretty good actually.


Arianna looks at her tails an sees she has way more then a usual Ninetales

ARIANNA: That can't be good.

GRACIE: What's wrong?

ARIANNA: This may sound crazy but I think I have more the nine tails.

GRACIE: Really let me count.

Gracie goes behind Arianna an counts her tails

GRACIE: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine... Ten... 11... 12... 13... 14... 15... 16... 17... 18. That's crazy.

ARIANNA: What's wrong? What's goin on back there?

GRACIE: I counted your tails an you have 18 which is double of what a normal ninetales has which is Nine of course.

ARIANNA: Is that bad?

GRACIE: No it's not, it just means you're the first 18tales to ever exist.

ARIANNA: The first one to exist eh. Bet my trainer will feel bad for replacin me now that Imma 18tales.

GRACIE: I'm sure she will now come on let's go inside before that stampede comes back.


Arianna grabs the Fire Stone an her an Gracie go back inside the tree

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