Standing Up To The Villains

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No one dared to say anything as they all watched the evil villains stare at them with anger and they were all frozen in fear. Finally after a few more seconds of them all just staring at each other Maleficent broke the silence.

  "Oh where is my dar dar darling baby girl. I don't see her anywhere. Mommy wants to talk to her about seeing her again," Maleficent told them all in a fake doting mother voice when she was actually furious. She didn't see the baby with the teenager glamour on that she had put on her specifically so that she could steal the wand and they could get revenge.

    She had taken the baby to be her evil little minion, but now she didn't see the girl anywhere and she was furious. Especially when she noticed that the stupid birth mother the bratty daughter of the Evil Queen was now holding what looked to be a purple baby car seat in her hand. Oh that better not be the little brat was all Maleficent was thinking as she saw the baby car seat.

    The Evil Queen just fake smiled at her daughter. "Oh Evie my little evillete in training. How are you? Are you still applying your makeup everyday? Oh and what is that in your hand? Is that a baby? Where did you get that baby?" the Evil Queen asked her daughter as she was trying to act oblivious and "stupid" because she was convinced that in order to get a prince you had to act dumb as to her princes only wanted dumb pretty girls who were housewives.

     Evie just rolled her eyes at her mom and Maleficent for trying to act oblivious and "nice" when she knew how they really felt. Her mom was angry that Evie was with her baby again as to her Evie would never get a prince if she had a baby at sixteen and with another man. And Maleficent was trying to act like a "caring" mother even though Evie knew she was furious that Mal was a baby again as it was obvious by the purple baby car seat in Evie's hands.

    Before Evie could call them out for acting so stupid and being totally fake Cruella spoke up when she saw Carlos with a dog. "Carlos what are you doing with that scary dog?  Don't you know that dogs are rabid pack animals that eat boys who misbehave?  Have I not taught you anything? And that mut would make a great addition to my collection," the evil crazy lady told her son as she stared at the dog with an evil smirk on her face as she imagined all the new clothing items she could make out of the dog.

    "That's it mother I'm sick of you controlling me. I wasn't even really afraid of dogs. I just faked it, so that you wouldn't get angry at me. And I am sick of you controlling me and trying to use fear to make me do what you want. You are part of the reason that I was afraid of being there for my baby. I was afraid of becoming like you. A terrible parent who uses their child as a slave. And you are never going to reach Dude or my baby. I won't let you get anywhere near them," Carlos screamed at his mother as he was furious at her. And all of the feelings that he had been bottling up about his mother just came right out of him as he was no longer frightened by her especially since she couldn't reach him.

    Evie too began to grow angry as she watched the four villains all act as though they were innocent and sweet instead of terrible, horrible, cruel, and monstrous villains who found joy in hurting others including their own children

  "Just stop this. All of you. You are acting so fake right now. We all know why you are acting this way. You think Fairy Godmother is still in the room, but she's not, so stop acting fake and acting like you don't know what's going on. Mom I know that you know that the baby is Mallory. And Maleficent stop acting like you actually care about her. All you want is to use her for your own evil gain. And I am sick of it. And by the way we quit. Were not getting the stupid wand for you or your minions," Evie screamed at the villains as she was sick of them controlling her life and ruining it. And now they were trying to act all "nice" and oblivious to what was going on. When they had been the ones to take her baby from her.

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