Staying In The Hospital

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      As soon as they entered the hospital they were immediately greeted by a clearly upset and panicked Belle and Beast who had brought the baby in. Carlos just looked at them hoping to get some information from them while Evie didn't even bother as she ran straight over to the front desk. "Tell me where Mallory Rose Queen De Vil is!" Evie screamed out as she was panicking and she wanted her baby.

The receptionists just looked up the name and then looked at Evie. "I'm afraid I can only allow her parents or guardians in the room with her as she is still a minor," the receptionist told the teens as she didn't realize that Evie and Carlos were Mallory's parents.

Before anyone could stop her Evie just slammed her hands on the desk. "We are her parents! I am Queen Evie Queen and that's Carlos De Vil! I'm her mother and Carlos is her father! So you better tell me where my baby is!" Evie screamed out as her normally calm and collected self was replaced by an extremely panicked mother whose baby was in the hospital and she didn't have any information on her baby.

The receptionist immediately looked at the teens in embarrassment as she hadn't realized who she had been talking to. "Oh my I'm so sorry for not knowing who you were! Yes of course you may see her. She's in room..." Evie barely even let the lady finish answering as she grabbed Carlos away from Belle and Beast not caring about what they had to say at the moment as she just wanted to see her baby.

"Carlos, come on I got the room number!" Evie screamed out making him immediately nod as he didn't even hesitate and the two of them went running to find the room. As soon as they entered the room they found their baby girl laying down in a crib with a bunch of wires connected to her, and as soon as the tiny baby saw her parents she smiled a bit as she reached for her parents.

They both began to cry just seeing their sweet baby looking so miserable yet happy as she was smiling even though it was obvious the poor baby was suffering. "Aw baby girl mommy is here. It's okay. You're going to be okay," Evie immediately told her baby as she stood near the crib and just grabbed Mal's tiny baby hand. And the sick baby immediately grabbed Evie's hand back making Evie and Carlos smile a little.

Before Carlos could join Evie in keeping his sick baby feeling safe the door opened and the doctor entered. The doctor smiled a bit when she saw Evie and Carlos. "Ah so you're the parents I'm presuming," the doctor told the two in a sweet voice as she could see that they were clearly worried and stressed and she wanted to make them feel a bit better.

Especially since she had been a very young mother herself and so she knew how stressful and worrisome it could be to have a baby in the hospital especially when they are still young themselves. Carlos just nodded as he could see that Evie was busy and Mal looked so much more comfortable with Evie there with her. He didn't want to make Evie get up from Mal, so she could talk to the doctor.

"Yes we're her parents. I'm Carlos De Vil and that's Evie Queen. And I know we look young, but trust me we are really good parents, and we are really stressed and worried right now, so if we could please skip over the criticism and judgment and just please please please tell us what's wrong with our baby," Carlos told the doctor making her smile a tiny bit as she looked at the young boy.

"Oh don't worry I'm not here to judge I was a young mother myself. And I would never judge others for where they came from or for having a baby young. Now on a more serious note. Your baby has a pretty severe case of pneumonia. Now we have her on fluids and oxygen and we were about to get some antibiotics in her however we do want to keep monitoring her to make sure that it doesn't get worse. Now I do have some questions which should make this easier on us. Was she full term? And by any chance was she sick before this?" The doctor asked the young boy immediately making Carlos feel so stupid. He couldn't believe that he and Evie had just dismissed Mal's sickness like that.

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