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Thanks again for the endless support and love and the care you all give me. I truly don't deserve it all, so as thanks I'll posting back the stories since Wattpad removed it unjustifiably.

Please note that this will not be in the actual book, it will not have any connections to the actual book, other than the characters and the settings. The storyline will be changed, but only for this one-shot. Besides, it is just to please my imagination and Westley's cravings lol.

Important information:

This happened in the book TNTC's
The ages of the Westley and Bryck in each one-shot changes as I progress, whenever they refer to each other as 'husbands they are married and are:
Bryck 34
Westley 33

Whenever it refers to Izzy or otherwise then they are still friends with benefits and are
Bryck: 19
Westley: 18

The children, there are 8 children between the two of them.

The oldest twins Wesson and Shyanne who are 16 along with their adopted sister Sara who is also 16

The second set of twins Ty and Whitney who are 12

And James who is 10

The last twins Winona and Jayson who are 7

Westley had twins when he was sixteen, but this will all happen properly in the main book which will be reposted in due time.

The Naughty Trials Chronicles which will be undergoing HEAVY EDITING and shall be return to Wattpad soon

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