Bryck's naughty secret

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**Hello readers, Westley here, have I ever told you about Bryck's little secret? No? Well then, I must share the story with you. He has a kink that he doesn't speak of, one so secretive that he threatens to kill me over it. Yes, it's that serious people.**

Okay, so I just so happened to find out about this kink early one morning when I was being a horny little hubby with a really attractive man... Because that's what you do when you got a man as fine as Bryck, you cherish him and do bad things to him.

It was finally morning, the sun had just risen as I roused from my sleep. I sighed, it was still so early, turning over in bed I casually stretched out my hand, and to my surprise, I find the other side of the bed empty. I sat up to properly scrutinize the empty space. My eyes were still foggy from sleep as I realized that Bryck wasn't in our bedroom... Soft shuffling caught my ears and my eyes were now on the walk-in closet. "Bryck?" I called out, yawning as I cracked my neck.

Bryck heard his name being called and walked back into the bedroom from the closet. "You called babe?" he answered, voice was a husky baritone, still unadjusted from sleep.

My lips quirked up into a smile. "Where'd you find that?" noticing that Bryck was wearing an old cream cashmere sweater that I hadn't used in a few years. It was worn, the fabric slightly stretched with a small rip at the right elbow, with miniscule tears at the wrist. I smiled watching my man wearing an old sweater of mine. He blushed, picking at the sleeve of the sweater. Even though it was summer, the central AC was on in the house so it made the house crisp with coolness, opting Bryck and I to wear sweatpants to bed. "I was cleaning out the closet and saw this and well, it still looked like it was in good condition, minus the small tear... so I tried it on."

"It looks good on you." I said, standing from the bed. "I even remembered when I got it, it was the Christmas when you physically moved in with us four years ago, mom gave it to me. I actually wanted to fix it, but I kept forgetting it." I walked over to Bryck and smiled, I placed my hands on his hips, then turned Bryck side to side."It looks better on you though." I whispered.

"Hmm, your mind is thinking of something filthy, isn't it?" Westley didn't give any hint to what he had on his mind. "You are. aren't you?  You're always horny, so."

"Can you blame me, Bryston? You're such a beautiful man. I can't help myself sometimes." I touch my forehead to the crook of his neck, then nip at the flesh there. He hissed, then a soft barely audible moan slipped out, but then he willingly tilted his head to allow me more access. I took advantage, his hands laid on my forearms as he arched into me. My hands moved around his waist, then I went lower, he had been hitting the gym more frequently as of late, and his butt was visibly getting toned, like when they were in high school and he was inching to feel how firm they had gotten. Bryck was being stingy lately and it had made me restless. I wanted to touch every part of him. I wanted to tease him, and leave a trail of hickeys scattered all over him... every inch, every beautiful curve. Bryck gasped when I licked at the sensitive spot on his throat. I latched on to it, and he moaned, momentarily losing balance, but I kept him up.

I finally had him in my arms and there was no resistance of  teasing or refusal and I couldn't help but leave a few mark on his neck... he'd have to wear a tie to work until they cleared up, he's gonna hate me after this, but it was so worth it.

I snaked my hand down the back of Bryck's shorts. I grasped a handful of his ass as I sucked another bruise at his neck. "F, fück... Westley." his moans were growing louder, and his body began betraying him. He grinded against my crotch, and I exhaled profanity, and licked at the fifth bite mark I left on Bryck's neck. I made him shiver as I pressed my finger to his tight pucker. He arched his back more, left leg lifting and his grip on my forearm tightening as his jaw dropped, and soft gasps escaped from his mouth.

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