Nothing better than early morning sex

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Bryck was restless as he turned and twisted in bed. The early morning had slowly crept it's way in while Bryck was struggling to fall asleep. He huffed out, sitting up as he shoved the covers away from his body, his vest had ridden up, exposing his toned abdomen, beads of sweat rolling down to his navel.

He ran a hand back through his thick dirty blond hair and wondered how the hell had Westley fallen asleep in this heat... That's until he saw no sign of him in their bed. He scoffed. No wonder he wasn't getting any sleep, Westley wasn't in bed...

Normally, you'd think that would be a good thing, but Westley liked to cuddle under his arm and his soft breathing would be so relaxing that it would usually put him to sleep alot faster. He sighed, no use trying to fall asleep now. He stood from the bed and stretched out the kinks in his back. His body felt so stiff for the restless turning and twisting.

He swore he'd sleep better without Westley in bed, but he had gotten so used to him that it didn't bother him anymore. He looked for his slippers but there was no sign of them, he chuckled softly. "Of course, West."

He started for the bedroom door that was slightly ajar; the light from the hallway shinning in through the crack as he pulled it back. He groaned as the bright light hit his eyes. He rubbed at them as he walked down the hall, heading to the one place he knew Westley would be in at this ungodly hour. The door of Westley's home office was cracked open and dim light shun through. Bryck shook his head softly and pushed in the door. He stepped inside to see Westley sitting shirtless at the desk, typing away at the keyboard of his laptop. He didn't even pay Bryck any mind. He waited for Westley to notice him then smiled once his fingers stopped clacking away at the keys and he leaned back. He could see how his eyes were swollen slightly from tiredness and how low his reading glasses hung on his nose. He walked up to his chair, pulling it back as he rounded the chair and straddled his husband's hips.

Westley sighed, folding his arms over his chest as he looked up at Bryck's tired face, under his eyes slightly darkened from his restless episode. "Why are you working so late?" Bryck whispered.

"I'm a writer, this is our normal work time." he rasped.

Bryck chuckled silently. "Oh, so," he turned to glance at the computer. He arched an eyebrow, "3:40am is normal work time?" Westley nodded his reply, his hands resting on Bryck's bare thighs. He had on gym shorts instead of sweatpants that had ridden up on him. "So smooth..." he muttered, as he ran his hands up higher under the soft fabric. Bryck sighed softly, bending his head as he touched their foreheads together. "Such a tease." he breathed.

"And you like it." He said-sitting up to claim Bryck's lips. Bryck moaned, grinding his hips against Westley's as he hugged his arms around his neck.

Westley's hand ran up Bryck's thighs, reaching around to squeeze his ass cheeks in his palms. Bryck moaned, deepening the kiss as he dipped his tongue inside Westley's mouth. The men moaned, hips grinding and rolling together as they grew hot.

Bryck gasped when a hand slipped under his waistband from behind. He pulled back, "West..." he sighed, rocking back and forth on Westley's lap.

"Yes..." he trailed off.

"Come to bed." he urged. Westley shook his head, opening his eyes then sighed.

"I need to finish this."

"You need sleep. Westley you've been in here most the fucking day. You're human, humans require proper sleep to function. Come to bed and I'll put you to sleep." he said in a husky tone.

A faint smile touched his lips, but he shook his head, hands on Bryck's thighs. "I need to. I've been drawing blanks all day, I've finally written something that didn't get filed in my archive folder or the deleted scenes folder," he rubbed his eyes from under his glasses. "Bryck, let me at least finish."

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