the stranger

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Ash turned around and saw a tall man behind him with a butterfree flying just above his head. But there was something different about this butterfree it had a yellow ribbon around its neck.

"Is this the place butterfree i don't see any trainers in sight" said the man

"Yes Jon i can feel him he's here" said the butterfree

Ash couldn't shake the feeling that he had seen that butterfree before but from where and when. While ash tried to remember where he had seen butterfree gary hid in the nearby bushes. Greninja was watching from the trees above and thought that this human would go away when the human bent down.

"Hey little guy are you lost are you lost" ask jon to ash

Ash was surprised by this he had been in such a deep thought he didn't notice what was happening around him.

"No i am not lost" said ash back

"Ok can you tell me what you are doing here all by yourself" reply jon

"What you can understand pokemon?"

"Yes i am a pokemon wpsier and am helping this butterfree find his trainer maybe you can help"


"We are looking for a traint name ash"

Then it clicked he remembered where the butterfree was from it was ash's butterfree from when he first started his pokemon journey but it had been so long that he forgot he had one. But before ash could say anything Greninja had dropped down from the tree and had thrown five water Shuriken at jon and butterfree but jon had caught all five of the shurikens with his hands before they hit anyone. Gary, ash and Greninja were shocked at what jon had managed to do for only water pokemon had a chance to catch a water shuriken.

"How did you do that" demond greninja

Jon said nothing and just stared at greninja like he was looking at a ghost.

"Hello anyone inside" asked gary coming out of the bushes

"Sorry greninja i didn't mean to stare at you it's just... no forget" said jon in response

"Come on jon were all pokemon here you can tell them your secret" said butterfree

"Your right butterfree i should tell my son the truth"

At those worlds it seemed like the world stood still no one moved or spok the just stared and wondered how's father this was all they could hear was the wind slowly blowing in the distance.

"What jon this is your son?" asked butterfree looking at jon

"Yes i can tell that he is my son because only my son would have the big water shuriken on his back just like his mother"

Ash and Gary looked at Greninja like he was an alien. it was impossible for pokemon to have human parten wasn't it?

"You my father yeah right you are a huaman you can't be my dad"

"Then how could I catch your water Shuriken? just let me tell my story then you can believe what you want son."

Jon used the water shuriken he had caught by throwing then at a tree and cut clean a branch for everyone to sit on And sat down getting ready to tell his story.


end of this chapter you know the drill more on the way (heads up it going to be a long one)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29, 2020 ⏰

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