Part One: Revival

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Voices surrounded me. The beep of machinery in the background was vague, as through obstructed. There was a hiss of air as something over me slid away, and all the sounds came in full force, filling my empty head. 

Cool air hit my face and I finally forced my eyes open, seeing blurs as people in the room rushed around. I tried to take a deep breath in, but it felt as though there was something in my throat. I tried again, but no air greeted me. I started to get light-headed and realized something strange. You'd think I'd have been panicked, but there was just no feeling. 

"What's happening?" 

"She came out of it too early! We need to get her oxygen!"

A door opened and closed as my eyes rolled back up into my head. I felt something being pressed to my face and air forced its way into my lungs. I breathed in and my senses slowly grew sharper. The faces of the doctors and nurses around me came into focus.

And then I remembered.

Death isn't that easy to forget. It was a shame, I suppose, that I'd killed Shinso. I wonder why I had that strange attachment to him. I didn't feel any grief, or guilt, or shame. Nothing. And then there was the matter of Todoroki. There was the same strange attachment to him as well in my memories. 

"How do you feel?" asked one of the nurses as they removed the oxygen mask from my face.

"Normal," I replied, emotionlessly. One of the doctors sucked in a breath.

"So it's true," he said. "I thought the surgeons were joking when they said it was connected to that part of the brain."

"What?" asked one of the nurses.

"The reason she was here. That voice in her head? It was connected to the part of her brain that has to do with emotions."

"What about it?" joined in another voice out of my line of sight. I turned to see Aizawa leaning against the doorframe.

"They had to remove it."

Akuma Yari: RevivalWhere stories live. Discover now