Part One: Reluctance

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A screen flickered on, and we all turned to look at it. It displayed the area we'd just come from, and then all the buildings began to tremble and fall, collapsing on one another.

"This will be a rescue exercise," said the voice on the PA system. "It's also the last test. You'll be bystanders in a disaster, and will have to help others who were caught in the disaster. If you pass this test and receive your provisional licenses, you'll have to perform these duties regularly as a hero."

"There are people in there!" said Shoji.

"Elderly and children," joined in Sato, sweatdropping. "That's so dangerous! What are they doing?"

I stood by impassively as they began to talk about how they were, in fact, professionals. Apparently they would be scattered throughout the grounds, and they would be the ones in need of rescuing. We would be scored according to our performance, and if we exceeded the necessary amount, we would pass.

Almost too easy, I thought.

"I wonder if this is based on Kamino Ward..." my head snapped around, searching for the speaker.

There! I saw Iida standing next to Deku.

"Back then, we were fixed on getting Bakugou away from the villains and doing our best to stay out of the way of the pros," commented the one with blue hair. I tensed. "There were..." he hesitated. ". . . many casualties."

"I'll pass this," said Midoriya. "I'll pass it for those that won't be able to anymore."

Ah, I thought. So they do still blame me. It was all just a sham to make me feel better once I got back from the surgery.

"Hey, it's those guys from Shiketsu," said Sero. The class gathered to meet them, but I hung back.

"Have you seen Shishikura? The one from our school with purple hair?" one asked Bakugou. His body was covered in some sort of hair or fur, and I could barely see his eyes under it all.

"Yeah," said Bakugou. "I knocked him out."

"Bullsh*t," I said, pushing my way to the front. "It was me. I was the one who took him out."

"What the h*ll do you think you're doing?!" yelled Bakugou, explosions leaping from his hands. "I took him out, fair and square!"

"Puh-lease. You were still bouncing around as a meatball of a human being."

"Y'know man, she's got a point," said Kamanri, but he frowned at me, probably remembering how I'd done the same to him, including using his own quirk against him.

"I apologize, he must've said something to cause offense," said the hairy one, turning to me.

"D*mn right he did," I responded.

"I would like to build a good relationship with U.A. I would like to apologize for him,"

"Apology accepted," I held out my hand and he shook it. Shiketsu began to leave, and a short distance away, I saw Todoroki call out to one of them. He seemed familiar, but I couldn't remember what from-

The recommendation test. I narrowed my eyes.

They had a short exchange, and I could sense the tension between them.

"Attention! A large scale disaster has occured in all areas of 'City Name Here'. There are many injured! Until the rescue workers can arrive, the heroes will need to go out and help!"

The walls of the room began to unfold, and we found ourselves in the middle of it all.

"START!" We all surged forward, and I was reminded of the Sports Festival. A few broke off and I followed them.

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