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Sorry for the delay in updates. This chapter was really hard to write as we have a very specific vision of where we want the story to go and transitioning from canon to non-canon was really difficult.

Please enjoy this chapter. We are very excited for the next part of Laesy's journey.

-Jojo and Bry

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Laesy sat on the floor, the cold hard steel of the Razor Crest was numbing her to the core. The flight through hyperspace to their next destination was long and boring. But she didn't want to get up, she was having too good of a time with the child. He was standing on the other side of the cargo hold, arms outstretched towards her, begging for the ball.

"Ready little guy?" Laesy asked, he cooed back as a response and she rolled the ball towards him. He turned and waddled over to it, pure laughter and happiness bursted out of him. The only joy Laesy had been having during the boring ship rides. Being in a grey hunk of junk really dulled her days, but this little guy brightened her up.

"Wow! Good job!" She encouraged the child as he laughed with excitement looking towards her with the ball in hand. It took a lot of convincing Mando to let them keep and play with the ball during the travels only on the condition that next stop they get him a real toy to play with. The child dropped the ball on the floor, scrunching his face, arm outstretched, and the ball started to move its way to Laesy all on its own as he had started to do now that he was becoming more aware of his strength.

The first time she saw this, she called Mando down and was in shock. She saw the healing thing and had only heard of him moving objects. After quite a chuckle, Mando explained the mudhorn situation to Laesy. She was quite surprised that such a small creature was capable of such things. After Laesy's shock had subsided, Mando remained downstairs with them in the cargo hold. Mando reluctantly participated in their little game for a few hours, passing the ball between the three of them.

The joy of playing was suddenly interrupted by a sudden darkness. The child cried out in terror. Laesy immediately lurched forward in the child's direction, fumbling in the darkness to pick him up. His continuous wailing made it much easier and she finally found him and cradled in her arms, trying to sooth him. The silence became very apparent after the child's crying subsided. The noise of the engines had been a constant white noise and without it Laesy had a sudden awareness of how empty space is. Mando moved up the ladder with such speed, it made her shudder. Mando was very good at concealing his emotions behind his helmet but in this very moment he was not hiding his anger. He very loudly stomped up the ladder and Laesy could hear him slamming on some buttons in the cockpit.

"Everything alright up there?" Laesy echoed up to the cockpit. Soon after, the lights came back on and the hum of the engines started again. Laesy let out a sigh and looked down at the baby in her arms. He opened his eyes and a smile appeared on his face. With the child in one arm she slowly made her way up the ladder. She was met with a pair of boots and a set of hands that reached down to grab the baby from her arms. Laesy hauled herself up the remainder of the way and sat down in the co-pilot's seat next to Mando who had the baby in his lap. 

"Ships still busted...Peli must not have been able to repair everything with Toro's interruption." Mando said. Since leaving Tatooine, and the close encounter with Toro the tension between the two had been severed. No longer did they want nothing to do with each other, now they had turned into a normal pair of friends. At least that's what they thought  in their minds.

"Hm...so what do we do now?" Laesy sighed, being stuck in space was not the way she wanted to spend the rest of her life.

"We'll have to find a place to get repairs for the ship, and need a job to pay for that as well. While we are at it, going to need to get this leg repaired." Mando said, looking down at his leg. The armour had turned black from the ash and soot that the blaster shot created.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2020 ⏰

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