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Dazai sat at the small lunch table, a very distinctive scowl on his face as he picked at the food on his plate, sighing every few minutes. This project was most definitely an issue for him. Though he wished a problem as petty as this was his only conflict.

"Will you quit it already," a voice sounded out breaking the brunette from his thoughts. An irritated Kunikida being the source. "If you just do your damn homework like the rest of us, it won't even be an issue."

"Easy for you to say," Dazai muttered out, slouching back in his chair as he turned his gaze from the food in front of him to the blonde. "Unlike you Kunikida-kun, I have a busy schedule outside of school!" he argued.

"Uh huh," the blonde retorted disbelievingly. "You probably spend your free time bandage shopping.. Such a waste."

Dazai placed a hand to his chest as if he were offended, a comical sigh escaping his lips as he shook his head. "I'll have you know my free time is spent getting my beauty rest! It's important~ Did you know, get your notebook this is some great advice! If you're awake for at least 10 hours, taking a nap every hour for thirty minutes will help increase your focus and drive," the brunette said very matter of factly, waiting until the blonde was halfway through writing to tell him it was a joke.

Knowing what was coming he quickly ducked, hearing the notebook and pen clash against the wall behind him. It never got old triggering the blonde as he did. He would think the daily taunting he would learn by now. Oh how naïve. He swiftly stood from the table leaving his food untouched as he gave the seething blonde a pat on the back and a wave from his hand as he took his leave from the cafeteria. He had enough of his own games for one day and was fully intending to leave and go back "home". He never actually brought anything with him to school, so the 17 year old was making a straight line for the exit. He was sure the Boss wouldn't be too ecstatic if he was late again this afternoon. He was almost to the exit when an utterly cringey voice came from behind him.

"Oi! Mummy boy, where the fuck do you think you're going?" It was none other than Chuuya Nakahara.

He was so close to freedom.

"It's funny to hear such awful insults leave your mouth, oh mighty savior of the weak ones," Osamu stated as he turned swiftly on his heels to face the other with a smug grin on his face. Taking a jab at him the first opportunity he had.

"Hah?! What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" the ginger huffed out, clearly already irritated seeing his fists were clenched at his sides. "Tch.. Whatever, I didn't come here to idly chatter with someone as low as you.. I hate this damn project, and wanna deal with you as little as possible. So I wanna knock it out as quickly as we can."

"Hmm. I have no interest in it, so do as you please~! I'd rather die than work on a project with you, I trust you'll do great."

"Like hell if imma do this whole damn project by myself! Not like it matters anyway," Chuuya grumbled, letting out an annoyed sigh. "What days are you free after school?"

"None!" Dazai answered easily, though it wasn't exactly a lie. "My parents don't allow small dogs in the house, especially ones that yipe a lot.."

He could've swore he saw a vein pop out of the redheads forehead. Now this was fun.

"Then we'll go to my house dammit- Are you free tomorrow or not?!"

"Didn't you just hear me? Or did your loud barking make ya deaf too?" Osamu scowled, arms crossing over his chest. "I. am. not. free. after. school. for. you. ever." he said slowly to emphasize.

"Well, i'm not letting you walk out those damn doors until we make a damn plan! I already can't stand you, ya fuckin' mackerel.."

"Slug.." the bandaged teen retorted, a long dramatic sigh escaping his lips. "Fine, fine~ If it means you'll leave me alone. I'll see you after school tomorrow then. Bye bye now!"

Without saying another word, the brunette turned on his heels once more and exited the school. Waiting not for a response from the hotheaded teen. He hated this and he already hated Chuuya. He hated him from day one and finally having a conversation with him only amplified that annoyance. So if Nakahara was so damn adamant about doing this project, he'd at least make sure to have some fun with it.

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