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It wasn't unusual for Dazai to miss multiple days of school at a time. After all, the high school life wasn't a priority, but a distraction. The most recent mission that Mori had tasked him with was one much more brutal than he could've imagined, a group that was seeking out a particular power, a very particular ability. Now abilities, in this world, were far and few between. It was rare to come across them and when you did, it happened to just be in the hands of some egotistical bastard with a narcissistic lust for power filled to the brim with corruption. It had taken him most of the night and into the early morning to succeed with his underlings in eliminating this particular target.

"Organizations like this have been springing up left and right, searching for this ability and it's said user. They live in this town, Dazai-kun. Right here in Yokohama and we, the Port Mafia, can not afford to lose such a grand opportunity. Expect to be busy. As an executive of this organization, you're being tasked with finding this ability user and bringing them to us. Any other group standing in our way is to be dealt with, immediately."

Dazai could only think back on those words. That incredibly tense conversation he had with Mori directly following his return. His darkened hues glancing down at the manilla folder sitting in his lap. The name of the ability, what it did, and what truly laid underneath the ability that people were so desperately wanting to get their hands on. Arahabaki. The only issue being, no one had any clue as to who exactly they were looking for, even Dazai. He let out a rough sigh, tossing the folder aside for now, exhaustion really taking it's hold on the teen. It had been three days of endlessly searching, watching, and scouting to no avail. Not even the infamous Dazai Osamu could continue so relentlessly, so the mafioso head had given him the next couple of days off to recoup. Though the brunette found no such recovery in solitude.

It was only when he finally tried to rest his eyes that he heard a knocking on his door, what the hell could it be now? He had just left Mori's office a mere two hours ago to begin his "vacation". He could barely stand as it was and if he were to finally get sleep, now would be the only time. So, of course, why wouldn't he be bothered now of all times? Slowly trudging to his feet, the brunette shook off his overcoat, and then his blazer, hoping that if it was one of his underlings they'd know to leave him at once.

"Did no one tell you th-" he swung open the door, abruptly ending his sentence seeing quite the unexpected face behind the door. "Chuuya?!"

"You look like shit, move out of the way." the redhead spat, shoving past the brunette who had an agape look on his face.

"Sure, come on in.." Dazai muttered under his breath, closing the door behind the intruder. "Ya know, it's quite rude to show up without informing someone."

"Check your phone ya stupid mummy. I've been texting your dumbass for two days. You got me doing this stupid fuckin' deal and I ain't lettin' ya slip away without me getting out of your stupid debt." he started, digging through his bag momentarily before throwing down a folder onto the small coffee table. "So here's all the damn homework you've missed the past three days. You're welcome."

Honestly, Dazai had forgotten all about it, his mind being, well, preoccupied the past few days. He moved his hand to pinch the bridge of his nose, he could literally drop at any minute now, but yet here he was dealing with this nuisance.

"Is that all?" Dazai questioned, waiting for the redhead to just let himself out.

"Tch.. I came all this way to help your scrawny ass out, the least you can do is say thank you and offer a shred of hospitality." Chuuya retorted, his hands shoving into the pockets of his jacket, foot impatiently tapping away at the floor.

"Fine, fine.. Have it your way. Take a seat, your such a mooch.." he grumbled in a light tone, putting on the sarcastic facade he was known for. He left to go into the small kitchen, filling a tea kettle with water and setting it on top the stove to boil.

"You even got a tv in this joint, or is this place just crammed with useless books." Chuuya called out from the living room.

"Uhh, check the closet." he called back. Dazai wasn't much one for tv or movies. Preferring to spend what little alone time he got with a good book or if all else failed, the small handheld gaming device one of the Black Lizard members, Hirotsu, had given him on his 16th birthday. The television he had was a useless thing Mori had given him as a "housewarming gift" when giving the brunette this little rundown apartment to himself.

Hearing the screeching from the tea kettle, Dazai removed it and poured it's contents into two tea cups with a teabag and trudged his way back out to the living room, seeing the redhead brushing the dust away from the TV and setting it on top the stand that also just had collected dust from not being used.

Sure is making himself comfortable, huh.. Dazai thought to himself, setting his unwanted guest's cup down and plopping himself onto the couch. Chuuya had a victorious grin on his face as the tv sparked to life, crossing over to sit down on the couch as well and flipping through the channels. Though everything seemed to fall on deaf ears, the redhead's ramblings, the white noise from the tv, even the birds chirping outside. It seemed that as soon as the brunette had plopped down onto the couch, regardless of sitting upright, he had immediately fell asleep.

A/N: Sorry for ending it at such a weird placement. If I wrote this the way I wanter too or simply continued to write the rest of this scene I would be here another hour, and just like Dazai, I am also exhausted LOL. So time for us both to sleep and the next chapter will be out with some potentially cute shit next week, or maybe sooner if i'm up to it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2020 ⏰

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