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A few minutes had passed before Dazai had changed into a simple pair of khakis and a black sweater. Heading down the small hall to the living room where Chuuya was waiting on the couch for him to start this incredibly stupid project. He already had all the needed paperwork pulled out and assorted properly on the small rickety coffee table as well as a history text book in the middle. However, Osamu wouldn't need it. If he was being honest, he could finish the entirety of the project within an hour, but he had no reason to do his actual schoolwork. He sat down on the couch, taking hold of the notebook as well as the papers he needed for names to research. He looked it over with a long sigh, setting them down and just began writing.

Meanwhile, Chuuya cursed under his breath at the names he was looking up. Flipping through the text book to read up on certain events, equally annoyed at the project, but for different reasons than Dazai. At least it was silent. He didn't have to listen to the weirdo sitting beside him, though he was still quite curious, perplexed even, by his situation. Why was a 17 year old living by himself in a crappy rundown apartment? Let alone, why the apartment was so far away from the school they attended. Why was he attempting suicide? A lot of these questions were distracting himself from being able to focus on his work in front of him. So instead he just angrily tapped his pencil against the textbook he was reading.

Dazai peered over towards the redhead with his uncovered eye, an annoyed expression crossing his features. Did he really have to repeatedly tap his pencil? With another huff he finished up his writing, it taking him only ten minutes to finish his portion with an additional few minutes just to sort through Chuuya's own. He tossed it down on the table closer to the redhead.

"There, all done! You seemed to be struggling for whatever reason so I did yours as well. Now I owe you nothing and all you have to do is put the presentation together and present it." he commented, standing afterwards and stretching his arms above his head with a yawn. "You obviously know where the door is so you can show yourself out whenever.. Preferably soon.. I'm going to sleep." he waved the other dismissively as he turned on his heels to walk away.

"Hold on a damn minute- You're fucking kidding me right?" Chuuya retorted stopping the brunette in his tracks as he turned around to face the other. Nakahara took hold of the notebook, reading over the few pages of writing, his mouth slightly agape in disbelief. "How the hell.. You're failing this class, how the fuck do you know all of this?! You didn't even look anything up!"

"I didn't need too. It's common knowledge, idiot."  Dazai stated with an exasperated look.

"Common knowledge, my ass.. We haven't even discussed any of this in class," Chuuya grumbled. It was at this moment he realized that, unfortunately, Osamu was incredibly smart, he just never applied himself apparently. "If you're this fucking smart, why the hell are you failing all your classes?" he huffed, no, Dazai wasn't incredibly smart. He was incredibly stupid if he had the smarts to be better than how he acted and just didn't do anything.

"They bore me," Dazai responded simply As mentioned earlier, school offered him nothing when it came to lectures and textbooks. He was only there to people watch and attempt to be a normal teenager, but it was clear it wasn't where he belonged at all. Mori was just oddly okay with him scampering off to play the role. Something Osamu still didn't understand the reasoning behind, even as his second hand man. Ougai was just as mysterious with his intentions.

However, the mafia boss did choose the school to begin with, Dazai just figured the location was fitting being far away from the headquarters, the teen wouldn't be even remotely recognized as one of the executives of the Port Mafia. It did raise some questions, but it wasn't his business regardless and he cared little to ask.

Chuuya just huffed, closing the textbook and shoving everything into a folder and putting it away. He was annoyed now more than ever. One reason was that the brunette made this much more difficult than it needed to be to begin with and then he essentially just finished the entire thing before even a half hour had passed. He came all this way for practically no reason except to help the dumbass not die from lack of oxygen to his damn head. Even though he was free to leave, the redhead was hesitant. What if he tried something again? Not that he cared or anything..

"I took the liberty to look in your fridge for something to drink, you don't have shit in there," Chuuya started, standing to put his bag over his shoulder. "As a thanks for basically doing the whole damn project, let's go get something to eat, my treat.." he murmured. He most definitely didn't want to spend more time with the teen, but he couldn't help but worry slightly. Curse his morality. He naturally was a protector and a loyal individual. Not that he felt any loyalty towards Osamu, but he felt the need to pry his brain a little and figure him out.

"Hmm? You want to take out to eat?" Dazai questioned slowly, his own disbelief settling in.

"I really hate condescending pricks like you, so just hurry up before I change my damn mind," he retorted quickly, causing a small chuckle to escape Dazai's lips. 'So he does have the capability to laugh.' Chuuya thought, thinking back he hardly ever saw the brunette smile let alone laugh at something. He could feel his face flush slightly, embarrassed at the fact he was watching Dazai so closely. He turned to moved towards the door, slipping his shoes back on before exiting and waiting for Dazai to follow.

With a shrug of his shoulders, Osamu did in fact follow. He was exhausted, but at the same time he couldn't remember the last time he actually ate and he wasn't exactly one to turn down free food. He slipped on his own shoes and exited as well. The two heading down the steps and outside the rundown building. Bickering already ensuing immediately with where to even eat at.

This is the day their journey together would begin.

Hey everyone, sorry for not really having a set posting schedule or anything! I'm glad for those that have been waiting and reading regardless of the wait! This crap with COVID really has me all out of whack schedule wise! However, i'm going to try and post at least once a week starting tonight!

I have so much planned for this book, I know it's a slow start, but don't worry I got things building an much much angst intended (,:  I hope you all keep reading! **

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