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Dazai was relatively content with the fact that the two hardly spoke their entire trip to a small arcade café not far from his apartment. If they did it was idle bickering that was forgotten as fast as it had started. The tension between the two was definitely an awkward one that the brunette hated more than anything. At least this "get together" didn't feel as forced as the project was. Chuuya had reluctantly offered and Dazai begrudgingly accepted. Though it didn't make Osamu hate the petite boy beside him any less. All it was, was a form of consideration. A common courtesy in their culture.

Finally, after several minutes, they reached the small locale, heading inside the soft jingling of bells signaling their arrival inside. They were told to sit wherever and that someone would be with them as soon as possible. So the two did as instructed, Dazai's free eye scanning the small area, glancing shortly to the games in the back, which he didn't have much interest in. He had never been here since he never had a reason too. He didn't have friends his age.

"Bet I could beat you at any game in that arcade," Dazai commented, head gesturing to the back where all the flashing lights were coming from.

"Pf- As fucking if. You can't even see out of one eye! I'd like to see you try ya bandaged freak." Chuuya retorted with a scoff.

Dazai put a hand up to where the bandage covered his right eye, his brows furrowing a bit as he returned his gaze back to Chuuya. Was he that dense.

"You only need one eye to see through people's stupidity," he replied with his chin rose, and Chuuya hated that more than anything.

"Listen here asshole, I can kick your ass in any of those games!"

"Well, if you're so sure then let's make things interesting. Let's make a deal~" Dazai started, a grin forming on his face. "If I win, you have to do all my schoolwork the rest of the year. If you win then i'll do all of yours. You're lucky I don't care about my grades," he sighed out, knowing he'd do much better if he just did his own work.

"Fuck you," Chuuya growled out, though even his temper couldn't keep him from agreeing. He wanted to put this weirdo in his place. "You're on then mackerel. I'll kick your ass and you'll have to do all my work. You better not slack either!"

"That won't be a problem, since I won't be doing it," the brunette responded slyly. However the waitress came over before the redhead could throw another fit.

The idle banter continued between the two, a weird way to form a particularly odd bond. A budding friendship solely through verbal attacks and endless teasing. Most friendships didn't blossom from such things, but the two were incredibly different than most.


"Bullshit! You totally fuckin' cheated!" Chuuya yelled as he slammed his hands down on top the machine, glaring daggers at the brunette who was just spinning on the small stool.

"This is the 13th time we've played this. If you haven't won by now chances are you won't," Dazai responded, sticking his tongue out at the other. "Just accept your defeat and don't forget about our little deal~"

All you could hear from the other side of the machine was growling from a defeated and very angry small redhead. The brunette finally fished out his phone, seeing that it was starting to grow late and he had places to be. He stood from the stool, waving a hand to the male as he started out without a word.

"Where the fuck are you goin so suddenly?" Chuuya asked, jogging to catch up the suicidal teen.

"Not of your concern~ But i'm sure you can find your way home? If not, try not to get hit by a car on the way there!" he said, leaving the teen behind without another word. Probably seething and cursing at him most likely.

The brunette ended up running home and changing back into his mafia attire, fixating himself for "work". Slipping out of the rundown apartment to head to Mori Incorporation. A facade for the darkness that laid inside it. A darkness that ran deep underneath this city and in the boy's own heart. A heart being manipulated by an even darker man.

"Come in," the man said behind closed doors. Dazai entering the large office that belonged to none other than Mori Ougai.

The man who had "saved" him three years ago at the mere age of 14. The man who offered him a spot in the mafia at 15. The kid now being 17 and already one of his most trusted executives and right hand man. All because Dazai thought he could find some reason to live in all this madness, violence, and death. Though it helped him none as his search for that will seemed to just get further and further away.

"Ah Dazai, you're later than usual.. I would say it's unlike you, but I would know better," Mori said setting down some paperwork to place his attention on the brunette. "I hope your new friend won't be a distraction. Are you not growing tired of this pointless school game you're playing?"

Dazai grimaced at that.

"That dog is not my friend," he replied monotonously, though he just shrugged at the last question. He was getting bored of the day to day routine he grew, but it just finally got interesting, even if it was just slightly.

What bothered him most was that Mori knew he had seen someone outside of the school or the mafia. That man had eyes everywhere and you could never know who was who or where they were. Though Osamu didn't like that, his privacy was the one thing he enjoyed having. The fact Mori had tabs on him at school and outside of it didn't sit well with him.

"Well, if you say so." Mori laughed it off, though Dazai could hear the eeriness in the tone. He grabbed a folder off his desk, handing it out to Dazai to take. "There's a report inside with all the details you'll need. I want this group taken care of and discarded before the sun rises. I know you can handle that.. You have whatever we have here to help you with this mission, but make sure it's taken care of. You're excused."

With that Osamu just nodded and left the office, folder in hand ready to begin his long night of his double led life. An uneasiness still lingered on his shoulders, though he couldn't exactly place a finger on it. Yes, what he learned from Mori was indeed a factor in it, but there was something else..

He just couldn't figure it out yet.

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