Chapter 5

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I woke up the next morning with about 20 different text messages. 5 from Sam, 5 from Jacob, and suprisingly 10 from Cameron. All of Sam's were mainly her just wondering how i was. Jacob had told her about the break up but failed to mention that he hit me. The 5 from Jacob was him saying how he was sorry that he ever laid a hand on me, that he regrets breaking up but he was still hurt. All understandable but the fact that my face still had a mark makes me think if i even want him back. Cameron's texts were the cutest out of them all.


"Allie please talk to me."

"I need to know your okay."

"Im sorry I kissed you."

"I should have asked you first..:("

"Please call or text me beautiful"

Etc.... I reached for my phone and wondered who i should respond to first.. I stared at my phone for a while and realised i needed to call Cameron. I dialed his number and he picked up on the first ring.
"Allie oh my god are you okay? Im so sorry all that happened, please forgive me, i didnt know you had a boy----"
"Cameron its okay. dont worry about it. I dont have a boyfriend anymore so its fine...." I said cutting him off.
"Oh no Allie what happened?" I could hear the sadness in his voice.I couldnt even begin to talk without balling my eyes out. "Cameron can you just come over? I want to tell you face to face." Not a second later the phone was hung up and I heard a knock on my door.

I opened it and fell into his arms. He lifted my chin up and wiped away my tears. "Allie.... why is there a hand mark on your face? oh my god did he hit you!? im gonna kill that bastard." I started crying even more and he just held me. I explained to him what happened and he just kept saying how much he wanted to hurt Jacob. I was at a loss for words. I was terrified for school the next day knowing that I had to face Jacob.. and Sam didnt even know what had really happened. "Allie you dont need to be scared. Ill always protect you and if he even tries to come near you i'll make sure he doesnt lay a hand on you." I accepted what Cameron had to say but the truth is, i still loved Jacob. We had been together for a year and a half and he had treated me so well. I made such a huge mistake and i instantly regretted it. I really didnt know what i wanted to do.

"Hey, lets go get something to eat, maybe take your mind off of things?" Cameron suggested. I agreed and told him to wait downstairs so i could get changed. I didnt care one bit about what i looked like i was so upset. I threw on some yoga pants and light pink victoria's secret hoodie. I threw my hair into a high ponytail and put on some light mascara. I walked down the stairs and we drove off to a local pizza place. We pulled into the parking lot and the one car I didnt want to see was there. Jacob's blue chevy was right next to us. I looked down with tears in my eyes.
"Allie are you okay?" Cameron said. "Thats Jacob's car..." "Aw no, we dont have to go here let's go somewhere else." Cameron said starting the car again. "No, no, no. I was gonna have to face him sooner or later. Let's just go."

We walked into the pizza place and i saw Sam laughing. I walked over to her and said hey until i saw who she was sitting across from. She was with Jacob holding hands with him across the table. "You have got to be kidding me... REALLY SAM!? YOUR MY BEST FRIEND AND NOW THAT ME AND JACOB ARE DONE YOU AUTOMATICALLY GO AFTER HIM!? GOD I KNEW YOU HAD A THING FOR HIM ALL ALONG." She started laughing at me and pointed to Cameron. "And look who your here with you little slut. moving on so quick i see." I started laughing. "wow to think i actually considered you my best friend. why the hell did you even text me to see if i was okay? why did you even act like you gave a shit?" "hahaha honey, im so surprised you havent found out by now. Jacob and i have been dating on and off at the same time you two were. your just to clueless to see." I started balling my eyes out and ran out of the restaurant. I couldnt believe that someone i called my best friend had done this to me. god im such an idiot.

Cameron came running after me grabbing my hand. "Allie wait. let me give you a ride home." We got into his car and he grabbed my face. "Dont listen to what that bitch Sam has to say. you are not a slut. Jacob didnt deserve you. You are one of the most beautiful girls i have ever seen and you dont deserve to be treated like that. I am so sorry this happened. Im always he--" I cut Cameron off by crashing my lips into his. Our lips moved in sync and it was such an amazing feeling. Spark after spark. Our lips parted and all Cameron said was wow. "sorry about that. i dont know what came over me. it's just after these few days and after our first kiss it's all i have thought about and it just felt right to do that. im sorry. this sounds crazy but i like you Cameron.... a lot."

Thats the end of chapter 5, hope you all like it. tweet me (; @wassupcameron

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