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Deep in the darkest realms of space, where gravity pulls so strong nothing can escape; there the two souls of a certain snake lived, planning a way out.

Surrounded by walls that were made of black quartz, with little to no light the dangerous 13th guardian waited for any sign of the other 12 guardians to fail in protecting their galaxy.

"Death to my soul, as I dance in their demise and sorrow world - " sung the soothing voice.

"Shall we continue planning the end?"

Angered, the soothing voice changed and boomed, "What have I told you before? Do not interrupt me!"

"I have no patience anymore, we need to finish our plan and getting back what belongs to us -"

"And back home where we must stay. Yes, yes, yes, I know dear brother. I just, - see no harm in having a luxurious time and savoring this moment in time."

"Have you forgotten how long we have been trapped in this damn hole? I refuse to live like outsiders, I deserve that throne!" This bitter male voice screamed.

"Have you forgotten that I deserve it just as much as you? I'm the real reason why we have survived so long-"


With that Ophiuchus smashed the looking glass that sat in-front of her; suddenly scared of what she has done, she quickly swayed her hand to fixed the broken glass but before she finishes putting it back together with the last piece she cuts her hand, letting the black liquid smear across the glass. She then placed the piece into its spot and began to call her brother back. Singing his lullaby, the glass begins to mend and soon her reflection becomes that of a male.

"Forgive me Ophiuchus, I meant no harm in smashing that mirror." She said sweetly.

"Always remember sweet sister, we are one; you may smash this glass a thousand times, but I will never leave you. As we share this body and simply remember this snake is what connects us."

With that Ophiuchus began singing their lullaby once more, "Death to my soul, as I dance in their demise and sorrow world, they burn to ashes to never be seen again."

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