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"I know all of you are angered with me. Many of you will believe I am not fit to lead but as Mars has spoken it was to protect us all." With little strength Aries had left, she spoke to the now divided stars. "I had no other choice but to believe this was the right path to protect our world."


Taken to the home of the almighty star Mars, Aires tried to hold her excitement down. The hall that they walked through was mesmerizing, it was as if you were walking through the galaxy and with every step they took, it would light up underneath them. The young star was captured by the home of Mars.

She looked towards Mars, who was too pale you could almost see through him. Still, he was very built; a strong warrior if you may. His eyes glowed softly, reflecting that of his surroundings. Aries loved every little detail she noticed of Mars, his pale red lips to his angelic voice, even the way he walked so lightly.

"Aries, my little lamb, as you witnessed during the battle, Master Ophiuchus has created these creatures to destroy beauty in the ever-growing universe. Master Ophiuchus was able to create these creatures within you all. We were able to separate them from all of you, and from their own form of hearts." Mars' voice was soft spoken.

They were walking for what seemed like an eternity in Aries' mind. They had finally reached a room that was of its own world. In the center there was a heliograph of every universe and the worlds within each one. Aries could only dream in being in all of them.

"Aries. You must keep these creatures away from one another and from their hearts. The other stars must also never find out about the 13th star." Mars spoke now with caution. "Understand that as a first-born leader you need to protect your fellow stars and the world around you all."

"I do not understand Mars. Why must we keep this from the others?" Aries questioning Mars' request.

"Come I will show you." With that his eyes began to glow, in response Aries' own began to glow. The vision he showed her was devastating, a never-ending war. Destroying all they touch and saw. To Aries' surprise each demon star resembled each one of the 12 stars: Tavarious, Tysius, Goggoris, Cozrellion, Leegron, Velvoxin, Agrekann, Serpieth, Soterios, Krazin, Orzonnog, and finally Vanith. Together they would be indestructible, neither of the nine galaxies near by would be able to stop their reign.

"You see Aries, they could even overthrow Ophiuchus himself, even if he was the one who created them and become the demise of our own existence. However, they can not be strong together with missing hearts. Do not be fooled by the young Ophiuchus, they will try and break these creatures free and will try to weaken them and gain their powers, in order to become stronger and indestructible themselves. Ophiuchus has one thing in mind and that is to rule the all the galaxies."

As Mars showed Aries what he was speaking of, she felt the need to do whatever it took to stop this war from starting. "I must not tell them of this at all?" Aries now sadden by the truth.

"It is a great sacrifice you must understand. By telling them it will cause a rift in safety and trust. There is no other way." Mars assured Aries.

Even by hearing this the young star felt like it was wrong to keep that from her friends, her kin. With frustration smeared across her face she asked one other question, "How will I be able to watch over these dark stars?"

Mars smiled at his beautiful creation, "My little lamb you will create a way."

With that Mars waved his hand sending Aries back to Astreivaas. Aries now knew she had to do whatever it took to protect the galaxy, her world, and those worlds around her.

She sat down in the empty room trying to figure how she would keep an eye on everything. Then finally there in the room, decided what she would do and with all her might created a hole, from there she pulled a strand of hair and a small tear from the corner of her eye. Threw the tear into the hole, causing it to grow; shortly after she tied the strand of hair around her small finger until it began to turn white. She dipped her finger into the pool, closing her eyes and spoke, "I will forever hold thee power and will to protect those who need it most. I will cut my own heart and put it safe like the hearts of the dark stars."

Aries stood and walked into the pool until her waist was completely under, she then dug into her chest plate and ripped out the beating organ. Tossed it into the pool in which it began to shine bright. After a few moments she smiled, "Hello my sweet little Ones."

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