Russia x Canada

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He watched from afar. Watched from his seat in meetings, watched from the cornerways as the boy walked with that obnoxious brother of his to a restaurant, watched as he was daily ignored and when he was noticed, it was only to get beaten up. Russia knew it was bad. Bad to fall in love with what seems to be the enemy's baby brother. But can he help it? Hell no! How can someone ignore such a beautiful person? It angered the Russian, but knew that was the problem. His temper was short and when he exploded, it was bad. The young naive and polite country would never fall in love with him. Heck, the boy has a better chance with that pervert France.

So he watched from afar, like he was doing right now. It became a routine, since meetings have been exploding with upcoming events. As per usual, England and France were arguing about god knows what, Italy blabbered on to Germany about pasta, Germany was ready to become a Nazi again, and America was yelling and laughing. Once again, per usual. But a small boy sat across from Russia, his left arm upright and holding his face with the small palm. His right arm carried a small white polar bear with black beady eyes. Wavy, almost curly, blonde hair reached barely below the boy's ears and a stubborn yet mysterious curl sticked out. Dark blue, almost a lilac purple, eyes that looked prettier and more young behind black framed glasses. Soft featured face, almost like a female's, soft skin, perfect eyebrows, pink plump lips, small yet perfect nose. The boy's name? Matthew Williams, personification of Canada.

Russia, at first, thought Matthew was a girl, an attractive one. When he hit on Matthew, lets say Alfred, the personification of America, was not happy about that and Matthew was upset, embarrased, and flustered. Realizing his mistake quite quickly, Russia actually apologized and gave the shorter nation his number. A few days later, Matthew called and the two hit it off. They even got to first name basics, where Russia finally gave his name. Ivan.

Matthew had a strong bond and attraction towards Ivan. He loved how strong, tall, handsome, funny, caring, and protective Ivan was. Though it was a pain for them when playfully fighting, since Ivan (in Mattie's view) was freakishly tall. One memory burned first in their minds since it happened not long ago.

"Lean down!" Matthew whined,  grabbing Ivan by his dark blue coat. Ivan chuckled but refused to lean down, raising an amused brow as he watched Matthew jump up.

"Matvey, has anyone told you that you are freakishly short?" Ivan said teasingly, causing the younger to stop jumping and glared up at him.

"That's not funny! You're just a giant!" Matthew exclaimed, his cheeks becoming a dark red. Ivan rolled his eyes playfully and grabbed Matthew by the hips, bringing them close to each other. The shorter of the two let out a small gasp, looking at Ivan, only to see the Russian towering over him.

"How tall are you, Маленький детеныш?" Ivan whispered, burying his face in between Matthew's neck and shoulder. The boy bit his bottom lip, flustered and a warm feeling pooled in his stomach. He opened his mouth, only for an inaudible sound to escape. He shut his mouth and opened it again, thanful that his vocal cords decided to behave and not embarrass him. Wait, no, they haven't.

"F-five t-two..." Matthew whined, trying to escape the pleasing and lustful grasp. Ivan didn't budge and hummed, lifting his head to look eye to eye with Matthew.

"Hmm, I'm 6'5" Ivan muttered. Matthew whimpered and felt his mind go haywire as something poked his stomach. Sparing a glance up at Ivan, Matthew was surprised to see a mysterious look on his handsome face. He seen it on Papa France...

Opening his mouth to speak, Ivan took the advantage amd captured Matthew's lips. The boy gasped as he was pushed up against the wall, but soon closed his eyes and felt the blissful pleasure conquer him. The smaller nation kissed Ivan back, letting the older and strongee be dominant. After all, Matthew knew he was just too obedient and submissive.

Holding back his moans, Matthew felt Ivan suck and kiss and lick his neck, searching for that special!

"Ahh~ I-Ivan?" Matthew moaned out, throwing his head back. Ivan smirked at the response he got and continued to lay love bites all over the pale skin. Clothes soon were removed and Matthew was thrown on the couch, his breath hitching as he looked at the large member. How was that going to fit? Ivan noticed the worried look on his boyfriend's face and chuckled, causing Matthew to blush furiously at being caught staring.

"Don't worry, I'll prep you" Ivan whispered. Matthew nodded and watched as Ivan lubed up three fingers and pushed one in. It was painful and Matthew couldn't help but let out a few whimpers. Ivan whispered soothing words and waited for the smaller male to adjust. When he did, Ivan let his other two fingers slip in and began to finger the tight entrance. Matthew squirmed and let moans escape, throwing his head back and thrusting his hips for more. When the fingers touched a certain spot, Matthew went crazy and held onto Ivans muscular shoulders, his legs shaking.

"Oh damn! More Ivan, more! Fuck me already!" Matthew cried out, his small body shaking with pleasure. Ivan lost his patience and removed his fingers, lubing up his dick and thrusting into Matthew, moaning at the tight feeling. Matthew screamed at the sudden change of length, but lust hit him hard. The two nations moved heatedly, Ivan fucking Matthew roughly and Matthew moving his hips so Ivan's dick can hit that certain spot again. When it did, Ivan watched with lust and amazement as Matthew mewled out and bit his bottom lip, his cheeks tinted a crimson red and his hair messy and spread out against the cushion. He looked absolutely gorgeous and Ivan couldn't hold himself back any longer. He thrusted into Matthew, his thrust getting harder and faster. He aimed for Mattie's prostate and whenever he hit it, Matthew mewled and purred and shook. The boy wrapped his legs around Ivan's waist, bringing them close as he came all over their stomachs and chest. Ivan growled and slammed into Matthew, his thrusts getting sloppier as he released inside the smaller male. Matthew moaned at the feeling of being filled up with the older nation's cum, runninng a hand through his hair. Ivan feel to the side and pulled Matthew up against his chest, both listening to the peaceful quietness.

"That was so amazing" Matthew whispered, coming down from his high. Ivan nodded and felt himself getting hard again.

"Round 2?" Ivan questioned.

"Hell yeah!"

Jan. 28, 2021 - A/N// Small edits were made, none that many of you will recognize, probably.

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