Norway x Canada

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Canada doubted the relationship he had with Norway. Sure the older nation was sweet and loving and a gentleman. But the Nordic would easily switch into a overprotective, possessive, jealous, and sometimes abusive boyfriend. But the little Canadian shrugged it off and just thought Norway's brothers were simply annoying him. Of course he knows how that feels, America is like 8 brothers in one body. But despite being obnoxious, lazy, loud, and mean, he still cares about his baby bro. So when Canada and Norway came out. America and England were outraged. For the first tjree months, they got on Norway's case, thinking the Nordic was taking advantage of Canada. After the fourth month, England backed down but America was still stubborn and kept his eyes on the couple.

But now Canada, naive as ever, let Norway do whatever he wanted. He loved Norway and Norway loved him. It was wonderful and pleasant.

"Canada!" Norway shouted from upstairs. Said nation was in the kitchen cooking lunch for the two,  humming a small song before replying to his lover.

"Yes?" Canada says, barely raising his voice from the usual whisper-like tone. Norway appeared and frowned, wrapping his arms around Canada's small waist and kissing the pale skin of his neck. Smiling, Canada did what the older pleased of doing with him and continued to cook.

"I'm sorry love but I have a meeting with my boss, so I can't eat luch with you today. But I'll be here by dinner, alright?" Norway explains, groping the younger's butt. Canada blushed and forced a smile. Lately Norway has been going to meetings. But it was fine, maybe he'll invite Prussia or Netherlands over for lunch today.

"It's fine, Nor. I'll be fine. You better head off now or you'll be late" Canada whispers. Norway smiled and quickly left his side, leaving Canada alone in the kitchen with two plates of food. Hearing the door shut, Canada sighed and went over to the phone. Dialing Prussia's number, he waited patiently as the ringing came to it's third stance before the Prussian picked up.

"Hallo?" He questioned. Canada rolled his eyes, knowing all to well Prussia was eating and talking.

"Hi Prussia. You eating lunch?" Canada asked, smirking as he heard the other man gulp.

"Uh...ja?" Prussia replied, sweating as he stared at the chocolates in front of him. Canada would be disappointed if he found at he was eating sweets for lunch.

"I know you're eating chocolate, Prussia" shit "but I'm not angry. I made lunch and was wondering if-" Canada flinched as the door was slammed open. Prussia ran into the kitchen and smiled widely, grabbing the plate and going to the table. Canafa, surprised and still in shook, looked at Prussia sitting calmly at the dinner table.

What the...

Norway parked the car in in the deiveway, glaring at the sterring wheel. His boss was getting on his nerves and he just wanted to shoot the damn wanker in the wanker. Groaning, he left the car and locled the doors, walking over to the small porch steps. As he was about to open the door, he heard laughing. And a German accent. Prussia. Furious, Norway walked in to see Prussia on the couch watching TV, laughing at whatever was on and Canada came out the kitchen with three palets. Placing them on the table, he looked up and saw Norway looking at him.

"Hi honey! I made dinner and Prussia is going to have dinner with us. Come on, you must be exhausted. How was work?" Canada asked, grabbing three cups and filling them with ice cubes then water. Walking over to the smaller male, Norway grabbed his wrist in a bruising grip, getting a quiet gasp from the Canadian.

"Why is he here?" Norway growled, using his other hand to pull the wavy blonde hair of the other. Canada winced and placed his hands on Norway's chest, trying to push him off.

"I just invited him over for lunch and he and Germany got into another fight so he wants some space from his brother. Please Nor..." Canada whimpered, watching in relief as Norway loosened his grip and smiled that charming smile at him. Leaning down at kissing the boy's head, Norway caressed Canada's arms gently.

"Alright love, I believe you. Now, I'm starving. Shall we eat?"

After dinner, Prussia left, claiming he was going home so Germany doesn't have to worry and get his panties in a twist. Norway chuckled at that and Canada rolled his eyes but laughed. Once the door shut close, Norway's demeanor changed and he was at Canada's case again. Gripping those feminine hips tightly, feeling the bone as Canada cried out in pain. All the jealously bottled up inside was slowly controlling him. He hated how Canada became noticeable the past few months. Hated how nations looked at him with those stupid smug smirks and knowing looks. The whispers and gestures that Canada was to oblivious to see. And that's where he became overprotective and possessive. Canada was his and only his. And now he must mark his property.

"Nor! Nothing happened, I promise!" Canada exclaimed, shivering as he was striped naked. Norway ripped off his own clothes and kissed Canada roughly, shutting up the boy from his explanations. The whines went straight down to his hardening member. Moving down, he bit and sucked the pale creamy skin, listening to the lively moans escaping brusied and reddened plump lips. Lomg, dark eyelashes lay peacefully against rosy cheeks. Slim fingers running through his hair, massaging the scalp.

"Hmm~ Norway" Canada arched his back, yelling as the Nordic slammed into him dry and without warning. Scratching at the slighlty scarred back, Canada fought and cried. Norway ignored him and went on with his anger, but as he slowly calmed down, he immediately pulled away and looked at the crying Canadian boy. Realizing what he done, Norway quickly pulled his lover into a tight hug and whispered apologises. Sighing, Canada hugged Norway back, biting his bottom lip.

"It's alright, Nors. It's alright"

A/N- My first time doing a yandere person x person so I hope I did it right. Sorry and thank you for your support!

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