America x Canada

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Canada watched as York was engulfed in flames, British soldiers running and shooting as American soldiers marched towards but stayed behind their lines. England quickly led his baby brother away from the chaos, coughing as smoke filled his lings. Turning behind him, Canda was still sobbing uncontrollably, blood soaking through his red and white coat.

"Poppet! Listen to me!" England cried, pushing Canada to the grass as the Americans retreated.

" hurts!" Canada screamed, tears falling like a waterfall. England began to cry, shoulders shaking and breath raspy and heavy. He looked behind him to see the British soldiers standing their ground, wrpaons still raised, but they stared at the quiet forest. Returning his attention to Canada, he sadly smiled.

"Matthew, my boy, it's over" England whispered, lifting the 13 year old colony in arms in a bridal style way. Canada buried his head into England's neck, body shaking and flashbacks invaded his young mind.

"I'll get you, Alfred. Just you wait."

"I see the lights on the boulevard
While the world starts spinning around
Can't seem to find out where I'm going
Don't seem to fit in with this crowd"

"Arthur?" Canada mumbled, arms wrapped around his small feminine body. Enghland looked up from the ground and immediately walked over to his youngest brother, kneeling down to reach his height.

"What is it, poppet?" England questioned, fear and concerned making his young face look so much older.

"I have a way of payback"

"I just wanna burn it up, woah
I just wanna burn it up
And let the night turn to sound
I just wanna burn it up, woah
I just wanna burn it up
And let the night turn to sound
I just wanna"

Canada and England crept up to the White House, the full moon casting a dim light upon the house that belonged to America and his government officials. With a smug smirk, Canada led the British troops to the porch of the White House and nodded his head. The next minute, the glory of America was burning.

"I just wanna"

America groaned out in pain, coughing and stumbling as he tried to sprint over to his beloved home. Arriving at the scene, he screamed in anger and agony. The White House was ruined, burned, pure white now invaded by charcoal black.

"No! No no no no no! ARTHUR! MATTIE!" America yelled, falling to his knees in defeat.

"I see the lights on the boulevard
While the world starts spinning around
Can't seem to find out where I'm going
Don't seem to fit in with this crowd"

As America looked up, he saw a shadowy figure hiding behind a tree. Eyes trained on one another before the figure ran off, America quickly chasing them down. Knowing the figure all to well, he smirked. Evil and selfish and maniacal thoughts ran through his head.


"I just wanna burn it up, woah
I just wanna burn it up
And let the night turn to sound
I just wanna burn it up, woah
I just wanna burn it up
And let the night turn to sound
I just wanna"

Canada ran, stumbling as he tripped over branches and rocks. Chancing a look behind him, he saw America right on his tail. Keeping up his pace, he fell down a small hill, America running down and tackling him. Moaning out in pain as his head met the ground harshly, he opened his eyes to see those diamond blue eyes, dull and full of anger and hatred.

"You burned down my fuckin house!" America exclaimed angrily, shaking Canada by his shoulders. The younger winced and pushed America away, glaring up at his older brother.

"You destoryed my home. My first city! It's called revenge, Alfred. Get used to it!" Canada tried to yell, but his voice barely raised from the whisper tone he daily used. America snarled and punched Canada, getting a cry from the smaller.

"I told Iggy to let you go or hold you back. But he just threw you in. He doesn't stop acting like a damn child. Now, as I threatened him in beginning, I'll take his colony" America growled. Canada's eyes shot open, wider than ever, as he struggled in the tight bruising grip on his wrist.

"W-what? Alfie! No!"

"I just wanna"

"No! Alfred!...please! It hurts!"

"Shut the fuck up, Mattie! It's for your own good!"

"I just wanna burn it up, woah
I just wanna burn it up, woah
I just wanna"

"Fuck! fuckin tight Mattie"

"Next time, don't reject me or mess with me, you little colony. Now get out of my country. After all, a colony like you needs to go pleasure England. Fuckin' slut"

..."I-I h-hate you A-america"

"I just wanna"

"Matthew! My boy, what happened?!" England cried, running over to Canada. The boy looked up at his brother and sobbed, embracing the other. England froze but hugged the small colony back, tight and spending his warmth, love, and protectiveness.

"It's going to be alright, poppet. You are retired from this war"

"T-thank you Mr. England...thank you" Canada whispered, stepping away from England and bowing his head down. England knew this all to well. Canada acted like this when he first became his colony. Something terrible happened, and he's going to kill America for what he did to Canada.

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