Prussia x Canada

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Prussia woke up to the annoying yells and shrieks of his friend America. Groaning and putting a pillow over his head, the obnoxious other just got louder.

"Gott, what do you want, Alfred?!" Prussia yelled, smiling in relief when the noises stopped. But the American appeared right in front of him and had that stupid smug smirk on his face that Prussia just wants to punch off.

"Well I got some, as you say, awesome news" perked up now, Prussia forgot even being pissed at the other.

"Really? Now why don't you tell the awesome me this awesome news" Prussia says with a sly smirk, getting up and walking to his bathroom. America followed, seeming to get even more hyper.

"Well I realized its been a while since I talked to my little bro-" "You have a brother?" The Prussian cut off America, eyebrow raised and an amused twinkle in his red eyes.

"Duh, I think I told ya. Anyways, I called him I'm coming home for a week and that I want him to meet someone. That someone is you, Gil! You finally get to meet my baby bro!" America says with a bright grin. Sighing but now interested, Prussia agreed. He just hoped America's brother was nothing like him.

"A week? Oh I don't know Alfie..." A young boy spoke, holding the home phone close to his ear. He bit his bottom lip, wagging his finger at his pet who was going to sneak some fish into the room. The polar bear made a "hmpf" noise and stomped away.

"C'mon Mattie! My friend really wants to meet you. Hell, you two might hit it off!" America exclaims, proud of himself.

"Al-" "nope, to late Mattie! I bought tickets, we'll be in To-ron-to? tomorrow morning so make sure to make millions of pancakes!" Before the boy can even get a sigh out of his mouth, America hung up.

"Great, just great" he mumbled to himself before cleaning up the already neat and cleaned house. He's having a guest over, might as well make sure everything is perfect. A soft breeze comforted him as he cleaned, humming a French song.

The Next Morning

Prussia looked at the medium sized house with awe, memorizing how the red oak fence seemed to guard the house all around. He looked at the pure white paint of the house, noticing some little patterns of maple leafs in a straight line. A Canadian flag hung from the arch of the door.

"Looks beautiful, huh? Well wait till you see the inside!" America says, knocking on the door quite loudly. A muffled response came from the other side and both men waited patiently. The door opened to reveal an attractive young woman. Prussia blushed furiously, expecting America's brother to open the door.

"Glad you can make it. Come inside, I was just finishing breakfast" the woman said softly, opening the door wider to let in both heroes. America smiled warmly and walked inside, Prussia following.

"So...who's the chick?" Prussia asked, watching as the woman retreated back to no doubtly the kitchen. America raised a brow and frowned, looking at the slighlty shorter male with confusion.

"What chick?" He questioned. Prussia felt even more confused.

"The chick that just walked into the kitchen. The chick that opened the door for us? Is that your brothers girlfriend?" Prussia wanted to cry in confusion. America still looked dumbfounded but began to laugh. Growling, Prussia crossed his arms over his chest and looked away embarrassed.

"B-bro! That's...that's my brother!" America managed to wheeze out. Prussia felt himself grow hot and began to stutter aimlessly. The young boy walked in, yes it's a boy...god he's so stupid!

"What's happening in here?" His soft quiet voice enchanted the Prussian more than his looks. America nudged him in the side, causing him to gasp and become even more flustered.

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