Chapter Twelve - Samhain

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"Modor, an emissary of the Coroner approaches by the lake."

"Don't get ahead of yourself, Master Flett. It could be a ruse. Does he have any escort?"

"As far as our sentries can see, there is none." Ryan couldn't help himself. After weeks of intermittent skirmishes along either banks of Lagu Lange, he was pining for some change in the state of affairs. Any change. "The man is clad in black armor and unarmed. Instead he is holding a pole with a white cloth. They might be ready to surrender."

"We must assume nothing. No one from the Blackhall camp can be trusted, not even he who waves a banner of peace."

The sun was high early in the day; massive formations of dark clouds, however, cast an air of gloom over the entire Amber Woodsland. Modor Ishka emerged from her tent and joined her compatriots who were already waiting for the Southern soldier.

"Ahh...Nice day, Modor, isn't it?"

"Every day where the sun hides is nice to you, Angus."

"Of course, Sophia. And when the ice thickens, I will be even more delighted. That's how men of Flintstaff Key are."

"If the lake suddenly freezes, we shan't learn of the Coroner's message," ribbed Jack.

"Oh, no, we don't want that. Let's hear what he has to offer." Sir Angus Mulligan, ever so impatient, found protracted battles exhausting. His clan preferred quick raids and even faster thrashing of enemies.

"What brings you across the waters, cursor?" asked Modor Ishka before the messenger could even step off the raft.

"My liege, the great Coroner himself, sends his regards to the Dragon Council," he said, bowing lower than the customary curtsy after removing his mottled helmet. He extended his hands, which held a scroll.

"It might be hexed, Modor," cautioned Erin.

"Fear not, child. If it were so, it would not have passed beyond the shores of the lake, and the young man who brought it would no longer be in this realm."

"Sometimes you frighten me, old woman," Angus said with mixed reverence and apprehension.

"So stay on my good side," Modor replied with a wry smile. The scroll felt light in her hand even though the rollers were of fine, polished brass, a clear indication of its genuine origins. The parchment was sealed in three places for utmost confidentiality. Upon breaking the seals, she unfurled it on the table for the eyes of the other Council members. Its message, however, doused the oracle's buoyant feeling.

"What does it say, Modor? The writing is unfamiliar." Erin craned her neck to see everything on the parchment.

"It is a Southern corruption of the ancient tongue. From what I can glean, the Coroner is willing to cede this campaign, release the Amber Woodsland from its Geld Agreement, and halt the further advance of his horde into the other territories, Lady Drake."

"That is - is g-g-good, isn't it?" stuttered Ryan.

"Yes, but it comes with a stipulation, one I am unsure we can deliver. As I stand here weary of this battle, I am disinclined to even reveal what it is."

"If it will preserve the Amber Woodsland and put an end to a potentially catastrophic war, we should at least try, Karishka," said Sophia. "What does he require?"

After a long pause and a sigh of resignation, the oracle spoke. "He wants Jordan Drake before sundown of Samhain's final day."

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"Henry, have you seen Michael? I haven't seen him since this morning."

"Perhaps his training is in progress, Ms. Amanda." Henry Dubois has been one of the few close friends of Amanda ever since she and Michael moved to Scotland. His stately bearing and sophisticated yet eccentric demeanor reminded her of movies she had seen while growing up in Miami – period films that had British casts. The milkman, as Michael eventually referred to him, was very patient with her, especially as she struggled to learn about the local customs. In a way, he eased her entry into their small community by introducing her to the "good" neighbors and occasionally running errands for the Fischers. She had no inkling he was working for William in another capacity.

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