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The last thing Kelly remembered was falling into Lake Ta-al and barely making it through the portal she conjured. Her eyes hurt when she tried to open them, as if salt had been poured over them. She could taste the salt, which she guessed was seawater. But how could that be, she wondered, when Ta-al was fresh water. Besides, if she did plunge into the lake, she most probably would not be alive at all. Terminal velocity alone would have killed her, never mind the boiling temperature of the great dragon's pool. She must be back on Earth, at this place called Rapa Nui. Her back was also aching. Mercifully, she was lying on something soft. After wiping her hands on her pants, shaking off what felt like specks of sand, she rubbed her eyes. This time, she managed to open them. Above her was a clear evening sky blanketed by an ocean of stars, some of which she could actually recognize as constellations. Earth constellations. The location of the full moon told her the time was around nine o'clock. She sat up to stand and saw that her gateway was still not closed, just hovering over the shallow waters with its gentle waves like a see-through elliptical beach umbrella.

"Ostium occludo," she whispered, followed by wax on in her head and a wave of her right hand. As she watched the portal vanish, she put her hands to her hips and smiled smugly. You're an awesome witch, Kelly of Clan Drakon, she thought. She sniffed the air, savored the smell of the sea, and relished the warm breeze caressing her skin.

When she turned around to determine where she really was, she nearly screamed, for a group of men, women and children, all clad in some kind of tribal outfit were standing there, gawking at her. They milled around her, staring as if she had fallen from the sky, which in fact she had done. Kelly did not panic; after all, they did not look threatening even with their spears, machetes, and bows and arrows. But what struck her more was the row of giant heads behind them – monoliths lined up along the shore.

I know where I am. This is Easter Island!



Kelly Drake and the Tears of the DragonsWhere stories live. Discover now