Chapter Fourteen - Day and Night in Valon

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The sea air in Erbo usually soothes the nerves of Eva Tolledo, matriarch of the most powerful clan in the Western Isles. On this particular night, it did not. She had learned that her son David Allen had perished in a "fierce battle" with Jordan Drake. The Northerner had boldly invaded Blackhall Keep – their home – with a thousand men assembled by the Dragon Council, liberated their resident witch, and stolen an ancient legal document. Eva blamed Jordan for her son's death and vowed retribution.

More distressing were the separate sets of information relayed by Hiram Sutherland and her other son David Hillman regarding Victoria. Apparently, not only did Victoria fail in her mission of snatching Michael Fischer (thus stripping them of any leverage to compel the cooperation of the Fischer blacksmiths), but she, too, perished for her efforts. If the hazy stories were to be believed, Jordan was also responsible for the demise of Eva's baby girl.

What troubled Eva was that she did not completely believe the tale about Victoria. Somehow, it felt wrong. Neither of her main informants actually witnessed how the events had unfolded. They only saw David Aron cradling Victoria's lifeless body. He was conspicuously silent about the whole affair, supposedly sulking in some unknown location after failing to prevent his half-sister's death. Curiously, the only killing spell heard by their people at the Fischer Manor on Samhain seemed to have been uttered by a man. Besides, Eva believed that for all of the Drake woman's fearsome reputation for brutality, she was also a mother who would think twice before slaughtering a girl nearly as old as her own daughter.

Tears welled in Eva's eyes when she imagined her only girl at different stages of her short life. If I had not suggested that she should go to Earth on a mission, she would still be alive. Guilt gave way to self-pity as Eva recalled her own sad story that started with the Blackhalls.

She was barely a woman when her father Lennor married her off to David Eorwin Blackhall. It was a strategic maneuver intended to preserve their kingdom while gambling on a successful Blackhall power grab. "You will be the most beautiful queen of Valon," he had said. Yet she abhorred the Blackhalls, thought them to be smelly brutes that lacked the social graces she was born into, and intensely rejected her arranged nuptials. Her mother Sepheria commiserated with her, but still, the wedding at Dimm Denu pushed through. Eva could no longer recall how many nights and days she had wept and bled in the shadowy room that David Eorwin bestowed upon her as a gift. No, they did not share a room, something for which she was eternally grateful, but she was, nonetheless, a virtual captive under lock and key, with the master of Blackhall Keep entering at any time whenever he needed to "obey his master's command," as he disgustingly referred to marital congress. Whenever she declined, he chastised her severely with unfettered and heavy hands. Her children filled the hollow in her heart, but their father's death emancipated her soul.

Now, that soul is again in prison, confined in a cage of rage and longing. Eva was sobbing inconsolably when Alexa Miche sidled up to her with a fresh piece of cloth to dry her eyes.

"She is gone, Alexa. Our baby is gone."

"Aye, she is, Mistress. Her death will be avenged, I assure you."

"Do you believe that the Drake witch is truly responsible?"

Victoria's nanny shook her head.

"You have reservations about my son's account?" Eva was somewhat relieved that the only other person closest to her daughter shared her skepticism.

"Aye. The Drakonian did execute master David Allen. He bore her mark, young Vicky did not."

"You saw their bodies?"

"I inquired from the soldiers who laid them in the royal crypt. Their description was vivid. You are unconvinced, Mistress?"

"I am, Alexa. If you will recall, I gave Victoria my necklace before she left for Earth."

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