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the brunette sat on top of the dryer as her legs dangled off watching her best friend give her twin brother a pep talk.

"eric, it's time." hyde said, giving him the most intense stare ever.

"why don't you do it?"

"it's your house."

"your house!" kelso echos behind him.

"listen to them up there. the party has reached critical mass. in ten minutes, there will be no more beer opportunities." Hyde explains angrily, shaking his head at his friend.

"if my dad catches me taking beers he'll kill me!" the twin tried reasoning.

"he's not wrong." the other twin added with a giggle.

"that's a risk i'm willing to take. the plus side to your death you ask? i'll still have dani." hyde says sending a wink towards his favorite forman.

kelso snakes around hyde as he added his own advice, "don't worry about it, just remain calm, keep moving-"

"- and above all do not get sucked into my dads hair!" donna pleaded with a serious look to eric.

"what's wrong with your dads hair?" eric asks worried.

"just.. don't look at it."

eric sat with a confused stare attempting to picture hair he won't ever be prepared for as hyde got in his face.

"eric! cold! definitely cold!"

eric works up his courage and stands up before running up the stairs to go grab him and his friends the drinks. his twin on the other hand still sat on the dryer with an unimpressed look.

donna and kelso took a seat on the couch watching the tv as hyde wondered over to danielle.

"you don't think he can do it?"

"please he'll be lucky if he comes back down with all his limbs intact." dani laughed.

"wanna make a bet?" hyde suggests wiggling his eyebrows.

"and what might it be?"

"if he fails, i'll finally let you braid my hair like you're always asking to do." he offers making the youngest forman smile and interested.

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