Part 8

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I took him to the roof of our school to ask him what actually happened at the party because it could be that my memories are wrong and nothing actually happened.
"What's wrong? Why did you take me up here?"
"Ehm...I need to ask you something."
"Ok and you couldn't have done that downstairs you had to drag me up here?"
" know at that party on Saturday can you tell me what actually happened I mean Ehm you know what I mean right?"
"Seidy could you not talk around the bushes and finally spill it out?"
I took a deep breath and then said.
"Ok I will ask you straight did we sleep together or not?"
He looked at me like I came from another planet and then just started laughing.
"Why are you laughing that ain't funny." I said confused and embarrassed at this situation that we were in right now.
"Wait you think that we had sex?" He asked he was done laughing his ass off.
"Yeah I mean I woke up only wearing a shirt that wasn't mine in a room that was definitely not mine and now I just vomit and that's a sign for pregnancy and if we really did then I'm screwed." I said nearly in tears.
"Ok wait wait wait first of all we didn't do it nothing happened and second believe me when I say I would never take advantage of a drunk girl." He said in all seriousness.
"Huh ok but then why wasn't I wearing my clothes the next morning? And why do I have the feeling we kissed?"
"Well thats because we did kiss but that's that we didn't go any further it was just a kiss and you weren't wearing you clothes because you vomited on your clothes and I gave you a shirt of mine."
"Oh well that does make sense. Could you please not tell people about this and just pretend I never asked and especially under no circumstances tell Jaebom because he would tell Jennie and she would just straight up laugh about me and I can't have that right now."
"Don't worry about it I won't tell anyone anything nothing happened."
And then he walked up close to my ear and whispered.
"But if you want your Fantasie to become reality I can definitely make your it happen you just have to tell me."
With that said he just walked away and left me standing alone on the rooftop.

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