Part 23

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Because the party was tomorrow i helped search for an outfit to wear and after that we had dinner with Rachel once she came back from work and then we watched a movie together and then went to sleep. But i somehow wasn't able to do so the entire night I tossed and turned around because I was thinking about the encounter with Namjoon. I can't believe i met him and that even thought I always told myself that i had forgotten about him it seems like that wasn't the case because the second I saw him my heart literary wanted to jump out that's how hard it was beating. Luckily after hours of tossing and turning I fell into an uncomfortable sleep/

The next Morning
Once I woke up from my sleep if you could even call it that I made breakfast for us and once they woke up we ate together and started cleaning up. And because it was my day off we went shopping together and basically spent the entire evening just shopping talking and eating. Later on we got ready and went to that party that Jennie made us go upon reaching the location you could already hear the music from afar we went in and I've never seen so manny celebrities in one place like this.
„ hey you made it"
We looked to the right to see Jaebom walking up to us with his girlfriend i looked at Jennie and reading from her face she didn't looked all to pleased. He came up to us and gave each one of us a hug.
„Seidy haven't seen you in a while how have you been?"
„I've been fine how about you?"
„Yeah same by the way this is my Girlfriend Woo DaBi."
We all said hey and then we fell into an uncomfortable silence until Jennie broke it.
„So anyways lets go Dance guys see you later bye."
She then took our hands and we made our way to the dance floor.
„Now that was an awkward moment" Rachel said once we had reached the dance floor.
We nodded and then started dancing to forget the awkwardness that we had just encountered. We danced for a while before we were exhausted we went to get a drink i left them at the bar and searched for the bathroom.
„Hey are you searching for something?"
I turned a round and saw a tall angelic looking man standing behind me he face was just jaw dropping like wow i have never seen a beauty like him it was Jin from Bts wow he looks even better in real life.
„Yeah I was looking for the bathroom."
„Oh yeah just the stairs up to the right."
I said my thanks and then went to bathroom when i came back the handsome man was nowhere to be seen but that made me think of something if he was here then maybe Namjoon was here too.
I walked downstairs and that's when I heard his voice coming from somewhere looked around and saw him standing further away with his friends laughing his smile was just so beautiful it reminded me of the times we had together how often I had listened to this laughter that just brightened my day and just my entire world the laughter which I felt protected in. And now that I haven't heard this laughter in a long time I just realized how much I kind of missed it. I was just about to look away when he looked up and looked me straight into the eyes and it felt like my heart stoped.

Guess who's back!!!

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