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okay, luke. you really have to get out of the stock room.. now! the line of kids and their parents out there is probably out the door. it's always like that on week days after school, you know that. you have to go help michael or else he might drown in the incoherent yells of small children.

i groaned and ran my hands over the apron to straighten it out.

yeah, cause michael would care so much about how many wrinkles are in the spare apron he gave you.

i tried to swat my thoughts away, but it wouldn't work.

why do you even care about what he thinks?

i couldn't handle my conscience anymore, so i opened the swinging door and saw that there were only two separate families in line.

i admired michael as he spoke to the customers.

he was almost like another person when he was working and serving others. he was super kind and polite. unless the customers were some douchebag thirteen year olds.

"alright, miss, here's your change. and have a nice day, little dude!" he said to the young mother and her child as they walked out, both carrying double scooped cones with happy smiles on their faces.

michael had that affect on many people.

and i was unfortunately one of them.

"luke?" michael called to me, motioning me to take the next customer.

"hey there, welcome to baskin robbins. what can i get for you ladies?" i coughed out awkwardly, looking at the overly-serious mom with two twin daughters on either side of her.

"we'll take two single scoop cups. cookie dough."

"both cookie dough?" i confirmed as i pulled two cups out and began scooping at the cookie dough ice cream.

"that is what i said, isn't it?"

"yes, it is, sorry." i mumbled and weakly smiled back. i already felt weird being under pressure, and it was even worse when the person pressuring me was a scary mother.

after she paid and i handed the two girls their ice creams, she left without another word.

"rude." i scoffed. this only caused michael to laugh, though.

"oh, come on, you've seen nothing yet." he placed his hand on my shoulder and it caused shivers to go down my spine.

"oh yeah?" i turned to face him. my confidence was peaking and michael's smirk only increased it. "well.. why don't you show me what i've been missing out on?"

i ran my fingers down his arm and his eyebrows slightly furrowed.

"when you're horny, do you, like, suddenly get super smooth or something?" he chuckled lightly. i moved my head back a bit and frowned.

"when you're with me, do you, like, always feel the need to ruin the moment?" i mocked, about to roll my eyes, when i felt his hand cup the side of my cheek.

his hands were cold, but they felt nice against my hot face.

no, literally, my face was on fire. i was blushing like crazy.

"do i really ruin the moment, though? because i like to think that i'm just building up the sexual frustration." he said with a tilt of his head.

i couldn't control myself any longer. I placed both of my hands onto his cheeks and forced my lips onto his. his lips moved fast on mine, and we quickly fell into the same rhythm. the same lustful, hot rhythm.

we were still behind the counter, and something about it just felt so.. hot.

we were moving around a bit, trying to find a wall or something. but there was something slippery, and i suddenly found myself falling back onto the wall and sliding down.

"you're such a clumsy idiot." michael panted out before stepping over me to straddle me. he held my face and looked into my eyes for a few seconds. my breathing was heavy and rapid, and he obviously noticed. he let out a small laugh before placing his lips against mine one again.

by this moment, my confidence wasn't the only thing that was peaking.

i grabbed his shoulders, taking him by surprise, and flipped us over so that i was hovering over him.

instead of crashing our lips together once again, i lowered my head to his neck and began kissing and sucking.

he let out a few quiet moans, which just made me harder.

he must've noticed, because all of a sudden, i felt his hand grab my dick through my jeans. i let out a loud gasp and nearly collapsed onto him. he chuckled yet again as i let out loud groans.

he placed his other hand behind my neck, forcing me to look into his eyes as he began to move his hand.

as i tried my hardest to not make much noise by biting at my lip ring, he just smirked up at me. even when my eyes left his, he was still intently staring at mine.

"shit, mich-"

we were interrupted by the bell that sounded whenever the door opened. michael's hand that was behind my neck flew to my mouth to silence me and he quickly removed his hand from my crotch.

"hello?" a young boy called.

michael jumped off of me and crawled over to the counter before jumping up and startling the kid.

"hey, i was just stocking some stuff. what can i get you, kiddo?" michael asked. he was trying to control his breathing and so was i.

i crawled up to the wall, resting against it. with a kid being in the room, i wasn't all that aroused any longer.

michael looked at me through the corner of his eye and lightly bit his soft, pink lip.

i'm in deep.



lord jesus pls forgive me


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