Chapter 12: In a flash

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Xaima was raised on the planet Naboo. She was born to parents who weren't force sensitive. Sadly though, her parents ended up being Empire enthusiasts. She discovered the force by chance, but it wasn't a good one. "Darth Vader is going to be visiting here next week." Her father said. "He's coming for you." Xaima stares in fear. Tears stream down both of their faces. "Xaima you're... You have the Force. And I told him" Her Father cries. Xaima's mother arrives and knows exactly what's being talked about. The tears come heavily from her too. Xaima has been betrayed. Before she can assess the situation, she screams and holds out her hands. Electricity fills the room. Her parents lie dead.
Alarms go off, speakers blare, soldiers start forming... Stormtroopers. They knock. "Xaima, it's us! The cameras saw! We gotta get out of here." That Stormtrooper's name is Dutch. His squad is the Royal Squad of Naboo, but Xaima became good friends with them as a child. Xaima and the Soldiers make their way through the housing unit, making way for the hangar. Regular Troopers make chase and a battle ensues. When they make it to the hangar, they're surrounded. In the sky, Vader's flagship comes into orbit. Darkness falls around the escapees. Xaima lets out a scream and all of a sudden, all surrounding enemies fall dead. The teenage girl looks around in shock and passes out. Dutch picks her up and they board their shuttle. He races to the buttons, in fear of Vader's wrath. He activates the cloaking and takes off, successfully evading Vader into hyperspace.
Dutch celebrates too early... the hyperspace drive shuts down mid-hyperspace and they start to spiral. A desolate planet ahead.
       Lafayne and Mornith land on a platform, of course getting hit with all of the firepower Kamino has. Their shuttle is no match for what Tipoca has. The hatch opens... Everything goes silent. About 10 or 11 Clone Troopers take position in front of the shuttle. Mornith and his brother finally emerge from the shining white ship. Lafayne starts to walk forward but Mornith puts his hand out. "Stop, I got this, watch this new ability I created." "Stop! Don't move!" Brave ordered. Mornith unhooks his Saber slowly. He raises it in a battle stance and the Clones get ready for a fight. Mornith ignites his White blade and just as fast switches it off. Brother Lafayne stares in confusion but Mornith chimes "Wait for it..." All of a sudden, all Clones except for Brave drop into pieces. Mornith moved so fast that no one saw a thing except him turning his blade on and then back off. "Drop your weapon, Clone." Lafayne orders. Brave obeys. The Brothers in White approach the Clone commander and before they can make a decision, lightning cracks and hits the Brothers.
Xaima knows this is it. She can't win. Raxon knows it too. This plan is all they have to draw out and defeat The Grey Ones. Bane be with me Xaima thinks as she descends on The Brothers. They ignite their white blades and ready for battle. Xaima switches on her crimson lightsabers. They brutally start hacking at her defenses but her athletic skill is like nothing they've seen. She jumps around and dodges with speed like no other. Her style is pure defense with slight offense, but overwhelmed the Brothers are not. The Brothers also have a unique style. They mimic each other's attacks and synchronize them so they're doing the exact same thing as the other. This is what over encumbers the Lady Sith. She didn't prepare for this. A button on her watch blinks on and off. She presses it. Something is seen falling from the sky. The Brothers look up and see a bright light. Did Master Opius decide for join us? The Brothers in White think to themselves. As the object gets closer, they start to realize what it is... it's Raxon. Plummeting to the surface, he ignites his lightsaber and aims it at Mornith. Without a sound, Raxon crashes into Mornith, plunging his crimson saber right into the brothers chest. Lafayne stares in horror but readies himself. "Xaima we did it, it worked. I hacked their mainframe from my Ship and I found their planet. We can finally end thi-" before Raxon can finish, Lafayne attacks. Lightsabers clash and sparks fly, but the Brother is powerful. He swiftly counters Xaima and Raxon's attacks. Xaima withdraws from the fight. Xaima has always been very skillful at assessing a situation from afar. Nothing seems out of the ordinary. This Brother is just pure skill to the blind eye... but she notices something. Their ship. Why did it land unscathed? Why did their entire offensive mean absolutely nothing to the Brother's ship? She then sees it.... and too late. Waves. Emitting from the ship. That's where they get their power! Some sort of machine on the ship! She readies to go tell Raxon but she realizes something ominously too late... Mornith's body is gone. Before she could move, a pure white blade pierces her chest...
There stands Mornith, and falls the lady Sith. Raxon turns around after sending what happened and screams a bloodcurdling scream. His veins appear black, the waves of the sea start to get stronger, lightning strikes around the platform, Raxon's eyes are completely black. He stares into the eyes of Lafayne and stares into his pure soul... and corrupts it deep. Lafayne drops his lightsaber and starts to twitch and yell for help. Every pure ounce of him is being stripped away, in a flash. His white armor, now black. His pure white eyes and blonde hair, now black. Lafayne is morphed into something nightmarish. Mornith stares in horror. "BROTHER!! What have you done, Sith!?" Howls an enraged Mornith. Lafayne drops to his knees and his eyes start to twitch and bleed. He screams even louder. His body starts to dehydrate and shrivel. Mornith is frozen, as if he is being forced to watch his brother writhe and die. Raxon turns to Mornith. A smile cracks for a second on Raxon's cold face. Mornith leaps into the air and lands on the bridge. He rushes toward Raxon with haste and goes for a killing blow, but Raxon becomes transparent and walks through Mornith, causing him to slice his own brother in two.  The final Brother falls to his knees and sobs. "What have I done... what have you MADE me do...?" Cries the now-mourning Brother. Raxon kneels behind Mornith and whispers in his ear. "I'm going to go destroy everything you love." Before Mornith can speak, his head is cleanly sliced off his shoulders. Raxon stands tall and looks down upon his prey. Brave and a few clones come rushing to Raxon's side. "Sir. Xaima... she's gone, sir."
     A moment or several of silence falls upon Kamino. It's almost as if the storms stopped, and the ocean stood still. Brave breaks the silence. "Before she died, sir, she said to check the ship for the waves. I dunno what she meant but I'm sure it meant something". Without speaking a word, Raxon wanders into The Brothers' shuttle. As soon as he steps in, he sees the machine. It hurt to be next to, it was pure light energy. That's how their force powers and energy is so pure! Wave emitters! Raxon is bewildered. They've manipulated energy waves to become strong in the force and even survive fatal injuries. "Brave! Have some engineers come and remove this from the ship... oh and also, have them find the coordinates to The Grey Ones' planet... this ends today."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2020 ⏰

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