Chapter 4 Becoming the Boss

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I awake in a hospital, I look to my right and am greeted by Cole who says, "Glad to see your alive, if you died I wouldn't have been able to thank you! We won Gladion, after you killed the man... demon... what ever he was, the rest of the attackers were easy to defeat. Now I know you don't want to lead us and be our boss, but since Silus is retiring we all agree that there is none more worthy to lead us than you." I attempt to get up and can't move, I hear a sigh to my left and turn to see Travis and Grant, Grant gets up and says, "I know you want to deny the role, but the whole Guild had a vote and all voted for you." I sigh and speak in a pained voice, "If I do... take over... the way... this place functions.... will be chaotic, no more Neutrality!" I grin in a sinister way and show i'm serious. Cole then says "Well... if you are to have us become chaotic then I shall still follow your lead." I stare him in the eyes then say, "And... why is that?"

Travis moves over to his seat then says, "I will follow you as well." Grant then says "As will I!" I groan then say, "F...Fine... but you don't know what is to come." I force myself up despite the pain I get to my feet, pull out the readers so they don't hold me back then I move to the window. Looking out I say in a serious voice, "Are you sure you wish for me, to lead? How about I tell you why I joined and what I did when out on missions. A long time ago I killed my brother, took his hunter's eye and replaced my normal eye. After returning home with the body of my dead brother I was told to leave and never come back. I ran and one day I was in a town, I don't know the name, but in it I took an apple and ran the shop owner chased me, I led him to an ally since no-one was visible i killed him when his body dropped I was approached by a man, that man was Silus. Silus asked me why I was so skilled in the art of the assassin and yet never was in his guild, i told him how my father taught me the way of the swordsman and the assassin as a child, Silus asked to test my skills. I easily passed his test and he took me in, he noticed I seemed to be more chaotic but didn't show signs somehow, he said it made no sense that someone as chaotic as I could appear so kind. On my first mission, one Silus gave me I intentionally got caught just so I could break out of jail and increase my skills while doing it. When Silus heard the news of my imprisonment he showed up to get me out, but when he arrived he was in horror. I killed all of the guards leaving only the prisoners, Silus asked why I left the prisoners. Do you know what my answer was?" I ask

Travis speaks up and says, "You didn't have the heart to?" Grant then says, "You wanted to let them live?" then Cole says, "It was to let them starve to death wasn't it?" I turn around and nod at Cole. All three of their faces start to show horror as they ask, "How could you be so chaotic?" I shrug and say, "Honestly I was born that way, I just locked all my chaotic traits deep into my mind, but when I was kicked out of my house I was so depressed that I very slowly let what was locked away out, and when Silus found me I was too far gone." I then walk over to the bed and sit on it and say, "So, do you still wish to follow my lead or would you rather have someone else?" I turn to look at them one by one, and Cole says, "I stand by my choice, even if it may be one not wise." then Travis and Grant agree. I shrug then say, "Fine, then this is no longer the guild of assassins, It is now to be known as The Dread Hunters. And to prove your loyalty I have a mission for you three, and I shall accompany you all!" Travis looks down and says, "Yes sir." Cole smiles and says, "Yes Sir!" and Grant looks me in the eyes and says, "When ever your ready Boss."

I then make my way to the door start to leave, one of the nurses attempts to stop me and tells me to lay back down. I glare at her and as she reaches for my arm I summon my hunters dagger and as the life drains from her eyes I begin to smile. I look back and say "Before I do anything else, do any of you have any family or friends or people you care about here?" When they shake their heads saying no I smile and say, "Glad to hear that. Also anything you hear ignore there will be a lot of screaming and cries for help, but just ignore them!" I turn back to the door and walk out. I look to my left and see no-one, I look to my right and see a doctor walking through the halls and I dash right. I follow the doctor until he enters a room with a patient then when the doctor has his back turned from the door I enter silently and close the door behind me.

The patient sees me but doesn't say a word, I summon the dagger and walk up behind the doctor. He isn't paying attention to his surroundings and I take my chance I put the blade to his throat and drop him in front of the patient, I then look at the patient and put my pointer to my mouth telling him to keep his mouth quiet. I then make my way for the door and as I exit I see target number three, who conveniently is frozen in fear at the sight of the dead nurse. Its a man appears to be middle aged, slightly grayed hair no facial hair, I cough aloud to snap him out of the horrid state he is in then as he turns around I smile at him. He turns to run away and the fun is beginning.

I track him through the halls, he runs while I use my skills so I need only walk. After a while of tracking him I am let to a door. I open the door and look around its appears to be a storage, as I look around I see a box that is pushed out farther than the rest I slowly make my way to it. as I near it I summon my Fused blade and stab through the box, as blood flows out I start to leave when I hear a cough and immediately turn around and rip open the box. Inside is a bunch of blood bags. Angered for being tricked I look around even harder. I notice that a box is upside down and I move it away and behind it I see the man. He is scared, very scared, and it makes me even happier that I am to be the one that kills him. I kick him in the head hard enough to make him unconscious then I Stab the fused hunters blade into his skull to finish him off.

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