Chapter 6 Starting The Biggest Mistake

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A week after getting the most painful curse I finnally found someone with enough magical ability to remove it. And the my first actual action as boss is obvious.

I look to my right and smile "Cole Declare war on the Hierarchy. We shall take out those who interfere with our job." Cole laughs and says "Your kidding right? They are in way bigger numbers than us. The main branch may be all humans bu..... No... Your not considering.. your not going to take them on by yourself are you?"

I smile and say "You know, you didnt have to guess my plan. You could have just declared war." I then get up and say "If you don't... I will." Cole looks at me and laughs "Ten gold you meet someone that will change it." I shrug "Fine when I get back have my gold ready." I summon my dagger and make a portal to the castle of Drinstolan, and am approached by a guard.

The guard is a girl seems to be in her late 30s she points a sword at my throat and says "what is your business here mage?" I look at her grab the blade with my gloved hand and pull it away from her. She glares and draws a spear and says the same thing. I ignore her and start walking she then says "Last warning sir." And i ignore her once again

My eyes activate as my reflexes activate and i jump and grab the spear mid air and push on it propelling me over the gate. Im almost to the door of the castle as a group of teenage knights apprach me. And all three are armed with a shield and a sword. The oldest appearing says "you were warned, now come with us we are here to take you in."

I reach for the door and say with a smile "Walk away now, your kids and you will lose your lifes." The eldest says "I Drachneir the II will kill you of you dont come with me, no-one has ever beat me in combat attitude." I turn around and say "I know you have heard of the guild of assassins, which is now known as dread hunters named by the new boss, you do dont you?" Drachneir nods and I say "Say hello to the Fucking Boss!" I smile sinisterly as all three back up. I summon my fused hunters blade and say "Now Last Fucking warning walk away, you know what no. Run away or I will kill you."

The two youngest ones run and drachneir says "You lie, i met the old boss why would you be given the title you look weak, so no if i am to die i die, but i wont run i want to see why your boss for myself." He unsheaths his blade and goes to attack me and swings his blade in a vertical angle and my eyes activate and i catch the blade and say "Run." He jerks his sword back and I glare. Then all of a sudden a sword goes into my stomach, and is pulled out i drop and my kah-gash piece activates and heals me, as the hole fills and my stomach is healed i turn around and see one of the younger knights. I stare in his eyes as his face hardens.

I summon my dagger and say "Your dead now you son of a bitch." He tries to run away and my eyes activate as i dodge and grab Drachneir's sword and throw him at the younger knight knocking him down. I walk over and say "You ever hear of the Mother Fucking Hunter gene human?" The youngest says "Please d...dont kill me..."

I summon my fused blade and kill both of them. "I warned both of you, so your death was fated from the moment you ignored my words." My eye then morphs into its third stage. I start to walk back to the door as i hear a voice "Well if it isnt the Torn of the hidden, the man of the killers, the boss of the new order. Hello their Gladion Ive heard about you, after getting word of a man that launched himself over a gate thats 20 feet High, i knew we had an assassin or nonhuman visitor. Im King Drastor." I turn around and say "Take me to the throne we shall discuss with all your subhects your surrender..." He cuts me off with a laugh "Who says I,  surrender?"

The King glares at me and I glare back. He then says as I summon my dagger "Whoa no need for violence, I wont surrender, but I wont condone this either. So lets think of a peaceful option." I give him a dumb look then a look of enlightenment as i summon my sword as well "Yeah... Ima have to pass on your pussy ass peace. Id have agreed but... Violence is far more fun! So.... Where is your honor bitch? Where is your pride?" He laughs and says "I can tell your gonna piss me off just as much as your father Gieruin, would you like to know about your father? Why everyone liked him?"

I dissipate the blades and say with a smile "Speak. Ehem i meant Go on babbling like a little bitch!" King Drastor then says "42 years ago your father was a member of my court, at the time he didnt go by Gieruin, he went by Bladed Phantom, he was a member of the Assassins, and one of the best, but then a girl joined my court, that girl was none other than your mother. She always liked your father, but at first he didnt feel the same. He always ignored her and pushed her away, and that girl was not only your mother by the way but my daughter. You by the way are my fucking grandson..."

He then looks at me and says "Now back to your father. He always ignored her pretended she didnt exist even though she tried so hard to win him over, but she failed at every attempt, until one day during the war of the damned he was wounded and on the verge of death, she knew he would die so she did all she could to try and hold them off and keep your father, who was knocked out and bleeding, from getting finished off and when the leader the ghoul who shall not be named went to finish the job she took the hit instead, and as a last resort almost died. When the war was over my guards found her laying over him, both on the verge of death. And when your father found out what happened his feeling changed."

I laugh and say "What bull shit is this?!? No fucking way im royalty, now surrender old man!" The king sighs and says "Follow me to the hall of generations." Frowning from confusion and curiosity i decide to follow him, he takes me into the castle and to a hall which has paintings of families, and near the center I see something that catches my eye. I see my father and mother next to the King holding two babies, both boys and both with hunters eyes.

My mouth drops as I realize my life sucks ass "Son of a bitch im a royal stuck up snob... This is some bull shit and to a straight royal degree... Im never going to be able to walk alone again...." My now known grandfather says "See... Your mother thought having you two grow up in a Castle would spoil you too much. I said it would be fine but your father and mother agreed to move into the outskirts and raise you where you wouldn't be given everything. Point is, you still want to declare war?"

I sigh "Son of a bitch i owe Cole ten gold... No... Im not gonna declare war on my own fucking grandpa... I fucking hate life..." I then say "Wait... If im your grandson does that mean... Im hierarchy swine and... God damn... Alright im going back to Dread hunters, and do me a favor."

My grandfather then says "Aww... You no longer hate me???" I growl and say with both anger and remorse "I didnt,  but im getting back to that point." He laughs then says "What favor, dont let the news of me being royalty leave the castle, if this shit gets out my career as an assassin is more than over..." He laughs and says "Thats fair, but do your grandpa a favor too, if your ever around stop by. Ill make it worth your while!"

I shrug and say "Very doubtful but in the off chance im around here ill stop by. But only if the only ones to know of my standings is you and the staff of the castle." He nods signaling my title is hidden and i make my way back to the base but i walk cause cole pisses me off... He won the 12 bet... That makes me 1 and him 12....

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