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My name is Gladion Harkon, I was born 1 minute after my twin brother Alex Harkon. I was born to a woman named Mavis Harkon and son of Gieruin (Gi-lu-en) Harkon. Our father always had his hair parted over his right eye. Alex and I grew up together and always were best friends as well as brothers, he always had my back, and I had his. Growing up we always asked our parents why we had an eye that looked different than our other eye. Mine was my right, his was his left. At the age of 9, our father said to us "There is something that I shall tell you, I have been keeping a secret from you for 9 years. You both are a type of human called a hunter gene human, it's very rare, I was hoping I wouldn't have to show you this, but your mother thinks it's best that we tell you." he then moved his hair so it no longer blocked his right eye and there we saw the same eye that we had, he then said to us, "There is a reason you both have it despite the gene being rare. A long time ago when I was young and foolish, and for the most part over cocky, I had gotten into a fight with a priestess of a dark god, not a punch and spell fight, like an argument. I told her that she was ugly and only one woman had my heart because I thought being a hunter gene human made me above all others, but I was wrong. She was enraged and cursed me. She said, "I hope you enjoy being a hunter gene human, because you're gonna pass it down through every kid you have from here on. I laughed at her and was foolish to, because that wasn't the end of the curse. Despite the gene being passed on to all generations she had made it to where the first child born would always die in a sad event. The priestess said it is always going to be unexpected and ironic, she then said the only way to prevent the curse from continuing was for the second born to take the hunters eye of the first born." Alex and I looked at each other and laughed thinking he was kidding. Our father then taught us how to summon our hunters weapons mine turned out to be a sword a big one at that, and surprisingly I can wield it with one hand, and Alex's blade turned out to be a dagger. Our father taught us how to use our weapons to the best of our ability. He taught Alex how to use the arts of the assassin, and taught me the art of the swordsman. I eventually asked my father to teach me the art of the assassin as well, after a month of begging he did. Although each day I noticed my dad had grown more and more depressed and seemed to want to spend more time with Alex than me. I had started to become jealous to the point of. anger, I felt betrayed and one day when Alex and I were going home we got into a fight, a really big one. It started with a question "Why are you and dad spending so much time together and avoiding me?" after arguing we summoned our blades and started fighting, because I knew the ways of the swordsman and the assassin I knew his every move. In the end I killed my brother and then I remembered the curse. Dropping to my knees, with the tears rolling off my face I said one thing realizing what I had done, I said "I'm sorry Alex..." and in order to stop the curse from happening again I took the left eye of my brother and replaced my left eye with it. I then carried my brothers body to the house where I told my parents of what happened, the house I was kicked out of and told to never return, the house I had known my whole life, and the house where my brother was buried. Recently I've noticed I gained a strange healing effect and the ability to make a portal to any place or thing I want. I also noticed I can alter my appearance as well as use magic I couldn't before. A while back I joined an Assassins guild and rose in ranks quite fast, i outrank most of the assassins, but there are still a lot that far outrank me. Funny fact a few days ago I was given the task to kill a man named Kenilig Grimisan and instead of doing it like the assassin I am, I did it in public and when I entered the crowd the authorities took me to jail, now I'm gonna fight my way out, little did they know, i was gonna kill all the people who work at the jail, despite the fact that recently I have been searching for the woman who caused the curse of my bloodline its ok for me to get a little off track and bust out of jail.

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