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i like narry ight

P O V k r y s t a l

I love the feeling of being free. How your heart feels light, and every bit of stress has been lifted off of you. It's like when a young bird learns how to fly, or when it's the last day of school, or when you get your drivers license. The only chance you truly get to be 'free' is when your in college. You may think college isn't 'free' because of the massive assignments you have to get through, but most of the things you want and can do now, you couldn't do when you were younger. My parents never let me order pizza on my own. I couldn't drive my pink barbie jeep to my friends house. I could never stay up late partying, with boys and alcohol in the room. Now since I'm old enough and I'm in college, I have never felt so free before in my life.

Music loud, drinks filled up, hair all messy. I was dancing crazy with my two bestfreinds and these other three bimbos that Nora knows. I didn't care about them right now, I just cared about this moment, this party, this night! The song was coming to an end, and I nearly almost passed out from my dancing. I walked over to the bar to get some type of liquid in me. I had plenty of alcohol already, so water's fine I guess. "Can I have a bottle of water please?" I ask the man leaning against the counter. He looks up at me like I'm some type of hippee. "Helloooo?" I ask again.
"I'm not your maid. Help yourself" he says as he points over to the bucket. Oh I forgot, this is a frat party you ding dong. There are no bartenders here. But the could hire one, but I doubt it. No one has the money for that...these kids are cheap. The DJ isn't even that good either. I get up and snatch a water bottle from the ice bucket. I take a sip and slides down my throat refreshing my body.

"Yo krystal!" someone yells. I turn around and its Jenny.

"What's up" I respond.

"We're going to play Suck and Blow in 5! Come into the living room!" She says.

Oh god. I hate that game. I remember playing that in 11th grade at this girl Nina's house. This weird kid with acne dropped his stupid card on purpose, just to kiss me. Nina told me that he had the biggest crush on me after he left and I was disgusted. I hope no boy drops their card on purpose I swear to god. Unless if the boy is somewhat on the attractive side, then I can let it slide, but otherwise...no.

I head over to the living room, and plop myself on the couch next to one of the bimbos. She whips I file out of her pocket and starts to file her nails. I starts to cringe at the scratching noise that it's making. "Alright let's play!!" I say standing up with my open arms. The bimbo slides her file back into her pocket, thank god.

Jenny walks in with the deck of cards and the whole group stands up. "Okay, get in a circle in boy-girl order" she says as she takes out a card.

I stand in my spot waiting for some males to fill in the spots next to me. A young guy with black hair and a tense jawline stands on my right, not bad, not bad. I'll drop my card for him any day. Everyone shuffles around to get into their places as a boy with a black SnapBack on makes his way over to the left of me. He stands next to me and I didn't get to take a look at his face yet, since he was walking with his head down.

"Alright any volunteers to go first?" Jenny says.

"I'll do it!" the blonde bimbo says.
Of course. I scoff and roll my eyes.

Jenny gives her a card and she sucks the card with her lips as she turns to a guy with light brown hair. She turns her head and the brown head guy sucks the card away from her lips. I'm suprised she didn't purposely drop the card. I started to zone out and picked at my nails. I absolutely need a spa day that's for sure. My nails look like crumpled up paper. Everyone starts hollering and disturbs my train of thought. Nora almost dropped the card but managed to keep going and passed it on to the black haired guy next to me. I want to drop it because this guy is cute, but I don't want to look like a bimbo. If you know what I mean. He turns around and I easily take it from him, and turn to face this guy next to me. Holy macaroni. I think I should drop it. Do it. Don't do it you bimbo. Okay do it. Wait, he's leaning in. I give up on my mind and pass it on to him. He sucks it cleanly but drops it right away.

What the hell?

He had it but just got rid of it!

Did he mean to do that?

I would be so happy if he did. He is gorgeous. His eyes were so soft but yet daring. And his lips looked so plump and pink but smooth. I leaned in because rules are rules and that's what you have to do. His lips met mine, and it was such a sweet kiss. He wasn't rough like those horny jocks that would stick their tongue down your throat, he was more of the shy guy that is so sweet but has a little hint of lust behind his eyes. I pulled away first, because I didn't want to make a scene. We all know that kiss would keep going if I didn't pull away. He picks up the card and gives it to this other girl on his left, so we can restart. We lost, so we are apparently out of the game for now. I decided to head back to the bar, so I look somewhat busy. I grab a coke this time and take swig of it. I wonder what time it is. It's probably like 3 a.m. and I will most likely not get up for classes tomorrow. I get up to get my stuff, but an arm sits me back down.
"Hey! Watch I-..Wait, are you the guy that just kissed me right?"

He nods.


"What's your name?" he says.

"Krystal" I say taking another swig of my coke.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl" he smiles.

I scoff at him, "Yea, not falling for it pretty boy" I say taking another sip.

"Well it's true. And I don't lie. And did you just call me
pretty?" he questions.

"I don't know you, so how could I know your not lying? I don't trust you. And no I did not."

"Well you can just trust me because I'm a nice guy and you clearly said I was a pretty boy"

"I don't trust men who just purposely drop the card in Suck and Blow just to kiss me."

"Now you think I'm a man?" he laughs.

"Oh be quiet. But seriously, why drop the card?"

"Well you see, my girlfriend over there," he says pointing to one of the three bimbos and I mentally laughed. "she was dancing with another guy to try and get me jealous. I have no idea why, but she was. So I figured why not just kiss you and see how she feels later when I drive her home. Or if she even wants me to drive her."

I nod, "Wow."


"That's not a smart move. You know that right?"

"Nooeeeynooeyy- Yes. Yes I do"
he says.

"You are going to lose her by tomorrow if you keep that up. You should be by her side, and not let her shag other males because she is yours and you are hers. You should protect each other. It's what boyfriends and girlfriends do." I say.

"Thanks. Maybe I should go yeah? I'm going to go now and get her I'll see you around alright?"

I nod and smile.

He walks away from the bar and starts to talk to the bimbo. I turn my stool around and take another sip of my coke. I'm pretty bummed when he said he had a girlfriend. I mean I shouldn't care but I do... and I'm glad that I helped him. I wish we talked longer, so we could actually get to know each other. And become friends at least. I mean I didn't even get to know his name. So how am I going to find him now. What if he's like 30 years old and is just dating that bimbo because she's pretty? But he wouldn't do that. I didn't even get to talk to him more than 5 minutes, and I know he wouldn't do that.

I get up and throw my unfinished coke away. I pull Nora off the dance floor and drag Jenny off this guys lap. "We have to go girls. It's like 4 a.m... we need to get some rest."

"Alright fine. I'll call you later Lukey Poo!" Jenny yells across the room to that light brown haired boy that was in the game before.

"Weirdo" I say and roll my eyes. I'm glad we didn't drive here, because Nora is the only one that can drive, and she's completely intoxicated.


We finally reached home and I ran into my room. I jumped onto my bed and stripped my whole dress off and my heels-that were killing me- and curled up in the blankets in just my bra and undies. I'm so tired and I couldn't stop thinking of him. I eventually drifted off into sleep, with a smile on my face. I had fun tonight.

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